As the end of October draws near, another week down has happened on the Total Gym. Unfortunately, I’ve only been able to get in one workout which stinks considering the whole purpose of the Total Gym Challenge. I have worked out twice with my new Physical Therapist and when I told her I have a […]
Total Gym Total Mom Fitness Challenge Update
Since I started using the Total Gym, I’ve felt stronger. I can hold my girls longer, I have more energy overall, and I’m just feeling better. While I’m not losing weight as fast as I want to, my body is still getting stronger, something I need. I’m still dealing with pain though, something that hopefully-my […]
Total Gym Total Mom Challenge Week 4
Well, this week has sucked for workout. I have slacked. With three doctor’s appts. (and that’s not counting the chiropractor appointments) and an ER visit, I think you can understand what I’m getting at. My back was giving me issues and in turn, I ended up with one of those nasty migraines I can not […]
Total Gym Total Mom Challenge-Week 2
Am I weird for saying I’m loving working out? My energy is up for the most part, clothes are starting to go back to loosely fitting (now if I can get back in the original size!), and overall, I’m starting to feel proud. Now, before I write out my stats, husband and I had a […]
Total Gym Total Mom Challenge End of Week 1
As week one of the Total Gym Total Mom Challenge wraps up, my body is feeling the impact of the Total Gym XLS. I am still exploring the exercises and deciding which ones work best but I am “feeling the burn”. When I think about how many machines I’d have to be using at a […]
I am a Total Gym Total Mom Challenge Participant!
If you saw recently, a tag went up on our sidebar with a picture of an awesome Total Gym. A group of ten bloggers will be competing 8 weeks and working to meet their fitness goals with a Total Gym XLS. When this machine calls itself a TOTAL GYM, it truly is that. With exercise […]