Total Gym Total Mom Fitness Challenge Update

Total Gym Total Mom Fitness Challenge Update 3

Since I started using the Total Gym, I’ve felt stronger. I can hold my girls longer, I have more energy overall, and I’m just feeling better. While I’m not losing weight as fast as I want to, my body is still getting stronger, something I need. I’m still dealing with pain though, something that hopefully-my […]

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Total Gym Total Mom Challenge Week 4

Total Gym Total Mom Challenge Week 4 5

Well, this week has sucked for workout. I have slacked. With three doctor’s appts. (and that’s not counting the chiropractor appointments) and an ER visit, I think you can understand what I’m getting at. My back was giving me issues and in turn, I ended up with one of those nasty migraines I can not […]

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Total Gym Total Mom Challenge-Week 2

Total Gym Total Mom Challenge-Week 2 8

Am I weird for saying I’m loving working out? My energy is up for the most part, clothes are starting to go back to loosely fitting (now if I can get back in the original size!), and overall, I’m starting to feel proud. Now, before I write out my stats, husband and I had a […]

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