Well, this week has sucked for workout. I have slacked. With three doctor’s appts. (and that’s not counting the chiropractor appointments) and an ER visit, I think you can understand what I’m getting at. My back was giving me issues and in turn, I ended up with one of those nasty migraines I can not control. Last week my weight was at 151.1. This weigh-in I was back up to 152, which sucks but sometimes, things are out of your control.
I know I have talked about how functional the Total Gym is and that you can truly manipulate this to make exercises work for you and you can. The Total Gym has several cards that are meant for stretching that can be used as a low-impact exercise. My trigger points have been the main culprit of my issues so I’ve been working on getting those to stretch out and release. I did some basic stretching using the Total Gym XLS to get my shoulders stretched a bit and allowed myself to get a massage to help.
My doctor’s tell me alot of the times I need to relax what I’m doing but simply put, I want to work out on the Total Gym so I can lose weight. Being “low-impact” 24/7 is not who I am and is not something I want to be accustomed to.
My goal is next check-in, I will be down to 150. Can I do it?
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