Wordless Wednesday:Introducing…. #Linky

Wordless Wednesday:Introducing.... #Linky 1

Wordless Wednesday:Introducing.... #Linky 2

My little football kickers officially have names 😉

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  1. CONGRATS!! Way to go picking names for TWO. I still haven’t picked a name for my ONE. 🙂

  2. LOVE the names!!

    One of my twins is Gabriel LUCAS and the other is NATHAN Alexander. Isn’t that funny? I thought about going with Nathaniel but decided Nathan was easier to spell. LOL

    1. Rhea I love it! We’ll be calling him Nathan or Nate but it just goes better with Gary we think to be Nathaniel. Michael is my father in laws name and we wanted my Grandpa’s name, Gary, incorporated as well <3

  3. YAY! I was hoping to see your gender reveal this week! And boys! Hopefully the doctor can tell for sure at my next ultrasound what I’m having because at the 16 week he still couldn’t say one way or the other!

  4. I love those names! Especially Lucas…..because we are huge star wars fans, so George Lucas holds a special place in our hearts 🙂

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