So you all know how much I love the girls at MomDot! Well they are having an awesome giveway right now that I would absolutely love to win for some birth announcements from PeekABoo Paperie! But not only do they have beautiful birth announcments for boy, girl, multiples, etc.-they have some awesome ones for what I call “Sibling Announcments!” These are perfect as I want to keep Kelsie involved in everything regarding having a new baby and what better way then to have her announce her new little sister!
So I’m asking you to help me out here! MomDot is letting individuals 1. Nominate themselves and 2. Nominate another blogger! Can you PLEASE nominate me here so we can have these awesome announcements to send out to family and friends?
I’ve even made it easy for you if you’d like.
Thanks Jenna! Your baby girl is adorable.
I nominated you, good luck!