As a stay at home mother, my day consists of baby talk, reading children’s books, playing Barbies, making appointments, well, you get the picture. When I began entering the online world as a Mom, I wanted to connect, to interact, and learn from other Moms.
Blogging has been a unique way to connect with other moms and have a unique opportunity to not only interact with other bloggers but have a voice to hopefully help others.
As another Brandcation is being planned for Tennessee, I would love to be able to get a “Momcation” and get away with other bloggers and relax. Not only for the pure reason of a vacation but while I was pregnant with my twins, it was not an easy experience. I was scared, I had no clue what was going to happen, what to expect, nothing. When I was told that I was in labor at 33.5 weeks, panic sunk in. I was terrified to put it lightly. Sure, I knew I would more than likely deliver early but when I had no idea I was in labor going to a regular OB appt., it sunk it that I was not prepared for what was happening.
Not knowing what to do, I quickly was updating my Facebook and Twitter, reaching out to those I knew were there. Little did I know the overwhelming support that would soon fill in as Lucas and Nathan entered the world. There were prayers, help with getting to and from the NICU, gifts, and just the knowledge of knowing that all over the nation (heck, THE CONTINENT), there was bloggers. Individuals I had never met before that were keeping tabs and just as excited to meet two little boys that have stolen so many hearts. I even was blessed with a fellow blogger being with me through my labor. I have been so lucky to have a wonderful friend in Tanya that I would not have had if it was not for blogging.
So why would I love the opportunity to go to Brandcation?
I would love the opportunity to enjoy Brandcation and enjoy the people I love online in real life. While not all the bloggers that showed support during such a time would be at Brandcation, there are individuals out there that I wish I could hug. I wish I could thank for being there. The chance to go to Brandcation would be the way to say Thanks to many and enjoy building friendships in a way you just can’t do 100% online.
This giveaway is sponsored by MomDot , Minnesota Blogger Life with Levi and Toni from Just Stop Screaming.
1 Comment
Good luck to you with this contest… I’m sure you could use a mommy break from those beautiful boys.
Wish we both could win so I could see you again. =)