My Experience with BENGAY Cold Therapy Gel

My Experience with BENGAY Cold Therapy Gel 1

Being a parent can be trying on your body. From juggling a child in arm to that enormous basket full of laundry, it’s easy to get aches and pains.

My Experience with BENGAY Cold Therapy Gel 2As a mom with chronic pain issues, muscle rubs are an everyday find in my household. Many times, we’ve grabbed something to try that ends up doing absolutely nothing for me. It can get frustrating easily, especially now that I am pregnant and restricted in what I can use. After talking to one of my OBs, he told me he had no problem with me using BENGAY Cold Therapy. Using the same technology of products used by chiropractors and physical therapists, it was no surprise that this has quickly become a life saver product for me when the muscles just refuse to relax.

For years, healthcare professionals have relied on cooling active ingredients to ease muscle and joint
pain. Now the maker of BENGAY® brings the powerful, scientifically formulated intensity of cold therapy
directly to you to provide deep penetrating, long-lasting relief for your unique pain, whenever it strikes.

When it comes to muscle rubs I have used before, it irritates me when a rub only lasts for a few minutes. My experience with BENGAY Cold Therapy Gel has given me that relief that I know will last longer than others, something that’s a plus when I need to keep myself moving and get things done. There have been several times when I’ve had the start of a headache coming on and my husband has rubbed Cold Therapy Gel into my neck to get those muscles some relief.

When it comes to finding a muscle rub therapy, BENGAY Cold Therapy Gel will be a must-have in our medicine cabinet.



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