I’m just testing out Mr. Linky right now so I can have some fun in upcoming posts for you! If you’d like to leave your link, feel free to! And of course, go check out some of the fun sites!
#CommentLuv On Twitter!
So I got another conversation going on Twitter that I have to say, I’m very proud of. Too often do you see people go to a blog and not leave a comment. Think about how many followers you have on Twitter. How awesome would it be if ALL of those followers came to check out […]
Finals are DONE!
I know I know, I disappeared the past few days!! I have officially finished my first semester at Iowa State University with all Bs!!!!WooHoo! It was tough and I had to completely focus but thank goodness I’m done! I’m sure though next semester will be another crazy one. I promise I’ll be back! I’ve been […]
I’m Going to Do It!
I’m doing it next year. It’s going to be my New Year’s Resolution or “Goal” for the New Year. I’m going to open an online boutique/store. I have so much to learn and decide upon but I’m starting already. I need to learn about wholesale, dropshipping, Tax IDs, making a site, EVERYTHING. I found a […]
Sunday Stroll, A TAD bit late but still fun
Hey everyone-So the Sunday Stroll is belated! But if you’ve had anything like the Monday I’ve had, you can use this post to relax a bit after a long day. Today the temp with wind chill is making it feel well below zero degrees. I had a dr appt this morning and THE CAR WOULDN’T […]
So I know you all Like Pictures
Aubrey Sleeping Kelsie was supposed to be taking a nap. She’s sick in this pic so doesnt look too happy 🙁 Pure Orneryness Little Sis is Getting Bigger Than Me!
Dangit dangit
Well, I’m sure you remember me saying Steven (DH) had surgery beginning of November. Well, we’re pretty sure it did not fix the issue. 🙁 So I’ll be here a few hours today but he’ll be trying to get off work early to head over to hospital to get checked out. Sorry if I dont […]
The winner of Chesapeake Ribbons…
The winner for Chesapeake Ribbons is… Ginny said…Following you both on twitter ~ momof2dancers Congrats! Ginny gets her choice of Children’s Novelty Belt from Margie’s beautiful designs! Feel free to e-mail me at jenna @ loveofbabyonline dot com to claim your prize or I will shoot you an e-mail as soon I get to eat […]
Wordless Wednesday-An Unwanted Reality
This is starting to become an unwanted regular scene in our city. I can’t exactly keep this post “Wordless” but I think you’d understand why. Ames experienced it’s first double homicide in over 30 years this past Saturday. My thoughts are with all of those impacted by this tragedy.
Cell Phone Service-BLECK
So I’m getting new cell phone service come January. But then of course the question is WHAT TO GET!?!?! I used to work for Best Buy so I do know a thing or two about phones but then again, phones are constantly advancing and providing new avenues to use them for. And then, some phones […]
A Simple Question For All of You
Ok a simple and to the point post lol. Not all posts have to be long to get a point across. I have a question for all of you! What is your New Year’s resolution? Who knows, maybe you’ll give me some prize ideas based of those resolutions-maybe I’ll find some fun stuff to help […]
Celebrate the Holidays with Baby Einstein!
Baby Einstein has become a household name for those with children! The wide variety of products Baby Einstein has created is excellent for interaction with your little one to get those little minds thinking and growing! Baby Einstein and Mom Central have partnered up this holiday season to encourage Moms to spend some quality time […]
Our New Blog Design!
Thank you so much to Karen at A Blog Of Goodies for her hard work! She was wonderful to work with and I am in love with the new design! She is one of the great members of the MomDot forum and does some amazing stuff!
What’s going on?
Hehe, you’re coming over here and going what is this!! Hang tight For The Love of Baby is getting a facelift and my awesome friend that did it is working the html with me right now! I can’t wait to see what everyone thinks!
Random Thoughts From Me!
I’m a bit of a goofball right now. Here are some ramblings from me. Feel free to answer me if you feel so inclined. My attention span is that of a 2 year old right now. I think I’m competing with Kelsie. *Why the heck do these cats keep trying to eat the crayons?*Kelsie needs […]