Wordless Wednesday-An Unwanted Reality

This is starting to become an unwanted regular scene in our city. I can’t exactly keep this post “Wordless” but I think you’d understand why. Ames experienced it’s first double homicide in over 30 years this past Saturday. My thoughts are with all of those impacted by this tragedy.
Wordless Wednesday-An Unwanted Reality 1

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  1. Do I have to comment? Geez what a dreary scene. I feel for you living in that neighborhood. I hope this isn’t becoming regular. My thoughts are with everyone in places like this and situations like this.

  2. What saddens me is that that is a common reality that people have become desensitized to here in the ATL. I wish people still were shocked by this kind of thing!

  3. That’s so terrible. I’ll be hoping the best for the families and community affected by this.

  4. OMGosh… I live here and don’t even know what happened!! how horrible am I? What happened? Is this down the road from you?

  5. So sad. I can never begin to understand why people feel the need to kill others.

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