Wordless Wednesday:The Many Clouds of Iowa

Wordless Wednesday:The Many Clouds of Iowa 1






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  1. The clouds in that first pic are amazing — love seeing practically all sides of them!

    1. I know a friend from Iowa that now lives in Texas that had hail yesterday/this morning. We’d gladly send the rain down, we’ve got lots of flooded areas up here! Very sad to see those pics 🙁

  2. Great shots! I think we saw all of those clouds today. It was a cloudy Iowa day!

    1. It had been sunny out and within about five minutes, all of that moved in and then a sudden downpour!

  3. That looks like our skies here today! When i was with hubby when he was a truck driver the whole entire drive through Iowa was like your top picture, but with many more cows.

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