There are alot of great bloggers out there and I am so glad I have gotten the chance to *meet* so many of you! Stefanie is a great blogger I have gotten the chance to meet through the MomDot forum. You can find her blogging home at Mommy’s Quiet Time as well as several other ventures.
What made you begin blogging?
Wanting to have a place of my own to keep an online journal and make new friends.
What is your favorite thing about blogging online?
Meeting new friends, reading funny stories and all the reviews and giveaways baby!
Say I’m a New reader to Once Upon A… Mommy’s Quiet Time. What’s something I can look forward to visiting your blog.
I have new reviews and giveaways coming up that you will LOVE!
Do you have an all-time favorite post?
Yes, it was one of my very first ones…I think it’s funny b/c my youngest is sooo…dramatic! lol
Here’s my favorite post: The Dreaded Shower
And here’s my favorite review so far: Sit and Stand Stroller Review
And here’s my favorite review so far: Sit and Stand Stroller Review
What is your goal in blogging?
To make new friends, share stories and advice and help moms find new and exciting products and companies.
Any tips for someone wanting to blog more?
Get on whenever you can and give lots of bloggy love and you’ll get it in return. And of course always be yourself!
Thank you so much to Stefanie for letting me feature her here! If you would like to be featured to bring more readers to your blog, shoot me an e-mail at!
Great Site! We enjoy following you on Twitter.
Hey Stephanie! Heading over to check you out now.
Fun stuff! Now I know more about you Stephanie!
Thanks for the feature, Jenna! 🙂
I havent been there in a while! Thanks for reminding me to visit.
That’s a great feature! It’s been a while since I’ve visited Stephanie.
Great Feature! Thanks!