While things can be tough dealing with something like fibromyalgia, I’ve had to remind myself to find joy and stay positive in where I can. I’ve always joked with doctors and nurses while I’m in pain saying, “No one can take away my sarcasm” and they most definitely agree with me. I make jokes while I’m in pain, I always try to smile even when I’m downright miserable and know I’m about to be poked and prodded at.
Some days, I am not the most active Mommy and can’t run around outside but I find ways to play with my girls inside. We color, we cuddle when it’s a naptime. I have to remind myself to enjoy what I do have even when it’s tough. Meds. make me tired, sometimes I just feel like I’m going to be sick all day but I have to remember, I am a Mom to two beautiful little girls and while we can’t always go crazy running around, we can still have fun.
Take the time to relax and enjoy what you have. Things could always be worse, no matter how much it sucks right now. And yes, I must remind myself of this.
You are a very strong woman and a great mommy! Although it stinks that you have to deal with this condition I think it’s wonderful that you are trying to stay positive for your children. ((big hugs))
Yea, I have to stay positive, if you don’t it will consume you!