We are always warned about the terrible twos-the temper tantrums, hearing “No” over and over again. No one told me about when that two year old turns into a three year old. It is a whole new challenge of parenthood. Kelsie is three and thinks she’s in charge. I guess someone forgot to hand her the memo she still has rules to follow. We don’t argue timeout, we don’t tell adults what to do, and we don’t fight bedtime, what’s for dinner, etc.
I know that this is part of child development and learning independence but where do you find the balance? How do you keep your home sane from chaos?
We have a routine throughout our days. We have specific nap time, bed time, etc. But when those diva moments come out, everyone in the house can feel it. I have begun looking at preschool programs for Kelsie. She is smart and I want to see her continue to thrive. I would hope that putting her in a classroom environment would help her understand that she’s “not the boss” but at the same time, I’ve seen her in gymnastics giving the teachers a run for their money (Over here Kelsie. Kelsie it’s not your turn. Kelsie on your dot please! Kelsie, you’re going to get bonked in the head)
How have you dealt? How do you allow your child to still learn their independence but at the same time control your house?
1 Comment
Three is a little young about letting them learn their independence if it’s going to make everyone else in the household uncomfortable and miserable. I think this is an age where still teaching and enforcing the rules, even if you must lead them by the hand to get them do follow the rules and what you need them to do. I also don’t think three is too young for them to go to bed hungry once or twice a week if they’ll not eat what you’re feeding them. They’ll make up for it in their eating the next day.
Just remember you’re the parent. I think you need to get ahold on the family structure when they are little or you’ll have your hand too full when they are teens.
That’s just my opinion and may not be what the book writers with degrees would say. Yet, I was there with a step-son that wasn’t made to follow rules and got away with too much when he was little and it back-fired on everyone when he hit high school. He hadn’t really ended up learning appropriate independence in those formative years, he ended up learning me, me, me. That’s exactly how he acted in high school, which in turn resulted in him ditching, dropping out, taking off and not coming home. Phone calls to police, visits to court etc… So for sanity sake, I’d say get a grip on the power struggle now when they are little.
Feel free not to post my comment if you so feel the need.
I’m no paid expert, just a former step-mom of a strong willed child.