Skin Care Must Knows

As an Esthetics student, I get lots of questions about different things going on with an individuals skin. Breakouts. Dry. Spots. Here are just some basic knowledge I wanted to share.

Always wear a moisturizer. If you don’t like the feel of a moisturizer on your face-It’s too thick. I feel greasy-You probably haven’t found a moisturizer that is right for you. Even those that have oily skin need to wear a moisturizer. Look into a gel based vs. lotion based moisturizer for a lighter feel.

Don’t overexfoliate! So that face wash you just grabbed at Target has “bursting exfoliating beads” huh? BAD BAD BAD! You should exfoliate your skin usually only 2 times a week. Over exfoliating causes your skin to dry out and in turn, your skin kicks the oil production in to overdrive to make up for what it’s missing. Think your skin is crazy because it’s dry but yet breaking out? This might be your culprit.

Wash your face! Many times, we all hit the pillow with the makeup still on. It is important to wash your face both in the morning and at night. Your skin is working hard to create new skin while you are asleep and your skin needs to be able to breathe to do it’s job.

Drink your water If your skin is looking dull or you have the flaky dryness that seems like nothing will make it go away think about how much water you are drinking. Do you get the recommended 8 glasses a day? Not all of us do but increasing your water intake with help to keep your skin hydrated.

Here are just some small tips.

Have a skin care question for me to get to the bottom of?

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1 Comment

  1. I’m a die hard moisturizer fan. If I don’t use it, I feel my skin just tightening and feeling so dry. Olay has always been a product of choice, but I’ve stepped it up from my mom’s generation and use the non-fragrance, sensitive free (with SPF) kind. Much better.

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