With Back to School for all the kiddos, this Mommy has been running around from appointment to appointment, planning a huge birthday party for Miss Aubrey (more to come on that fun event!), and more.
Today, Nathan and Lucas are home sick from preschool. The joys of Back to School cooties. It drives me nuts that parents send their children to school sick! With Back to School season, it’s already time to prepare for the dreaded cold and flu season as well and break out the Lysol, air purifier, and this year, adding essential oils to the list.

As we get back into the swing of school schedules, Mom will be getting back to writing. I have been taking some time to re-focus on things, set new goals, and working on new creations, including setting up vinyl designs and custom jewelry pieces for Etsy.
Next decision I will be making is whether or not to have the kids vaccinated for influenza this year. Last year was the first time in several years that anyone had gotten the flu vaccine. I have not decided yet if we will vaccinate again this year.
1 Comment
Do you have your own Etsy shop? The boys look handsome on their first day of school.
I personally don’t get the flu vaccine.