Wordless Wednesday-Well I can’t play….

atleast not the way you’re supposed to, so I’ll just stand here and act cute 😛

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  1. LOL I had more fun playing pool with my hands! And I look really really short in this picture for some reason! I think it was her standing on a couch that might have did it

  2. LMAO To you girls calling me skinny, I hide my “blub” well! LOL No one can ever guess my weight right.

  3. Well you CAN stand there and look cute! Damn…you skinny little thing that has 2 kids! So jealous! Happy WW to ya! 🙂

  4. Look at you! You are a hot mama, girl. You are so tiny! Great photo :o)

    Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

  5. Oh I like your t-shirt and your haircolor is super cute. I wish I could pull that off.

  6. You do a really good job at standing there and looking cute 🙂
    I love to play pool even though I’m not very good at it.

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