When it comes to my girls’ clothing, I love designs that are true to them, cute, and unique. Both my girls love animals and when it comes down to it, I think they would love any clothing that shows their favorite animals.
True Royalty Clothing has gone above and beyond making clothing for the children in your life with their special characters that your child is sure to love. The goal in mind for True Royalty Clothing was to create a line of clothing that is not only fun but helps to inspire children and let them show their confidence as well!
The goal of True Royalty is to create a fun and imaginative world that helps reinforce the concept of self-confidence in children. “Creating a clothing line for children was a ‘no brainer’ for us. We believe children are the foundation of our society and therefore we have to continually let them know how important they are, and how with a little self-confidence, they can accomplish anything. When you look at our clothing, the one constant that you’ll always see is ‘our’ crown. The crown is a symbol for confidence. Whether you’re feeling confident this very minute, or whether you’re searching for confidence, the fact is we all have a crown to wear,” Rich said.
Kelsie and Aubrey have to very unique personalities but they are also very much sisters. Kelsie is my Princess girly girl child where Aubrey is pure mischief. When I saw Max the Monkey, I instantly knew it was the animal for Aubrey and Cody the Cat was the choice for Kelsie. As I looked at the True Royalty Clothing characters, I can easily think of some other children in my life that I know have unique characteristics that could easily match them with their own perfect shirt.
When Aubrey saw Max the Monkey for the first time, she was estatic. She’s been all about monkeys lately (calling herself a monkey as well), that when she grabbed the shirt for the first time, I got a “MONKEY!!” screech followed by yes, her kissing her shirt. It was perfect.
True Royalty Characters include-
- Cody The Cat
- Max the Monkey
- Bella the Butterfly
- Taylor the Turtle
- Bailey the Bear
- Dylan the Dog
- Timmy the Tiger
- Marley the Mouse
Shop True Royalty Clothing
For The Love of Baby! readers can save 20% off their purchase (and Free Shipping right now) at True Royalty Clothing by using the coupon code: love
One For The Love of Baby reader win their choice of “bodysuit” or t-shirt from the fun designs available at True Royalty Clothing!
Enter to Win
Head over to True Royalty Clothing and tell me your favorite design and who you would pick it for!
Additional Entries (above must be completed first)
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- Become an e-mail subscriber of True Royalty Clothing –Two Additional Entries
- Become a follower of @MommyJenna on TwitterOne Additional Entry
- Tweet this giveaway linking back to the contest for TWICE DAILY Unlimited Entries
Open to US Mailing Addresses Only. Contest will end April 5th, 2011 at 11:59PM CST. Winner will be selected at random. Winner will have 48 hours from the time contacted to claim prize or another winner will be selected.
I like Marley the Mouse
I now follow True Royalty on Twitter @JulsB20
I follow you on Twitter @JulsB20
My favorite is the Max the Monkey shirt for my nephew.
I love Max the Monkey:) It would be for my son.
I would get Max the Monkey for my niece.
I follow you on twitter @Aerated.
I follow True Royalty Kids on twitter @Aerated.
I tweeted the giveaway. Thank you!
I’d pick Bailey the Bear Bodysuit White in size 6-12mo for Angela.
lfhpueblo at msn dot com
I’m following True Royalty Clothing on Twitter.
Twitter ID lfhpueblo
I Like True Royalty Clothing on FB.
Lauralee Hensley
1. I’m an email subscriber of True Royalty Clothing.
lfhpueblo at msn dot com
2. I’m an email subscriber of True Royalty Clothing.
lfhpueblo at msn dot com
I’m following @MommyJenna on Twitter.
Twitter ID lfhpueblo
I would pick the Timmy the Tiger Girls T-Shirt for my grandaughter
daily tweet 3/30 http://twitter.com/Aerated/status/53097518971621376
I tweeted today 3/31 http://twitter.com/Aerated/status/53462855533596673
daily tweet 4/1 http://twitter.com/Aerated/status/53826967811792896
I tweted today 4/2 http://twitter.com/Aerated/status/54183367402463232
I like the Dylan the Dog bodysuit.
daily tweet 4/3 http://twitter.com/Aerated/status/54669426733219840
I would get the Max the Monkey T-shirt for my daughter. She also loves monkeys.
I follow TrueRoyaltyKids on twitter as MelodicMom
I follow you on twitter as MelodicMom
daily tweet 4/4 http://twitter.com/Aerated/status/54914626583920640
I would love Bella the Butterfly on a bodysuit for my daughter. Thank you for the lovely giveaway.
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com
I follow True Royalty on twitter (@sewmuchstuff)
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com
I like True Royalty on Facebook (Erin E)
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com
I follow you on twitter (@sewmuchstuff)
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com
sewmuchstuff at ymail dot com
i would pick the Taylor the Turtle Boys T-Shirt for my son
daily tweet 4/5 http://twitter.com/Aerated/status/55276287777980416
I like Bailey the Bear for my friend’s grand daughter Khloe
like True Royalty on fb Julie S Laws
I love the Dylan the Dog Girls T-Shirt and I would get it for my daughter 🙂
I follow True Royalty on twitter @pittsy82
I follow you on twitter @pittsy82
tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/pittsy82/status/55388795570372608
i would like the
Dylan the Dog Bodysuit for our son
I would pick max the money. For my son. Kellyeandjosh@aol.com
its a tie between Bella the Butterfly and Max the Monkey…both are adorable. It would be for my daughter 🙂
Following True Royalty Clothing on Twitter
Twitter follower of MommyJenna
I would pick the Max the Monkey Boys T-Shirt for my son. He loves anything monkeys.
I’m following them on Twitter, @NewToMom
I already follow you on twitter, @NewToMom
I just tweeted, @NewToMom
I’d pick Max the Monkey or Marley the Mouse and I’d give it to one of my nieces!
I follow True Royalty on Twitter!
I follow you on Twitter as @SImplifiedSavin
I like the bella the butterfly design for my daughter
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
twitter follower @chelleb36
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com