It’s amazing being a Mom. And it’s amazing how much the little things can melt your heart. It is hard to believe that in September, “my baby Aubrey”, will be two. Kelsie just completed her first gymnastics class. They both are so bright and make new accomplishments every day. She is so smart and I can’t believe pre-school is just around the corner and the things she will do. She knows her ABC’s and so much more.
The girls both still have naptimes. With my fibromyalgia, I obviously get pretty darn tired easily so when it comes to naptime, I give Kelsie the option of going straight to her bed for naptime or taking naptime with Mommy. I love the cuddles and know once the girls get older, that time will fade. When Kelsie and I take a nap together, she often wraps her arm around my neck and says “I love you Mommy. I’m happy!” Those simple words mean so much to me.
Aubrey is my cuddle bug as well. She loves to sit and lay her head on your shoulder. There’s been times as well that she will “pat your back” as she does this. Who can not love when your baby learns to give kisses? Aubrey is learning more and more words, is my giggly girl, squeals at being tickled and so much more. She’s a goofball that knows just what to do to get a life. Her amazement at how things works is beautiful. And her newest thing, calling my Mom “Grammie”. She will grab her toy phone and say “Grammie” over and over again until I grab my phone so she can talk to her “Grammie”.
I used to be the young adult saying, “I never want to have kids.” I’m so glad I did. It was the best thing ever. I hope to have more children when the time is right.
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Now, I can’t imagine not having kids. They are great.
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