LYSOL’s Mission For Health! $20 AMEX GC #giveaway

LYSOL’s Mission For Health! $20 AMEX GC #giveaway 1

With weather getting cold and those of you parents with kids in daycare and school, we all know germs are EVERYWHERE. Last year, we were one of the families that were hit by the H1N1 virus and it was not fun. I cleaned everything in sight to keep it contained and it was a task.

LYSOL’s Mission For Health! $20 AMEX GC #giveaway 2

LYSOL has come to the help by creating the Mission for Health Program, an online community to help Moms like you and me connect to learn about a variety of ways to help keep our families healthy, what we can do to help our schools stay clean and students healthy, and how we all can help support Lysol in helping those impacted when disasters strike. Lysol’s Mission for Health is there to provide resources to help prevent the spread of diseases and provide special offers and discounts on Lysol products as well as exciting contests such as the Community Heroes Contest, giving those to help improve health in their communities the chance to win up to $5,000! Mission for Health is easy to navigate and full of just about any ideas you could think of when it comes to keeping healthy homes and healthy families!

LYSOL wants you to have an active role in keeping your family and community healthy. By joining the Mission for Health, you can learn about this, as well as the chance to share your very own tips with others like you. How can the Mission for Health Program help?

The 3 main focuses for the program:

  • Schools: The increased spread of germs combined with schools cutting budgets, Lysol knew this should be a focus. So to empower families, they developed a program designed to teach healthy habits and increase school attendance (aka less sick days!)
  • Disaster Relief: Lysol has partnered with Save the Children®, a non-profit disaster relief organization, to support the needs of families whose health and safety are impacted during a natural disaster
  • Moms: Moms will be provided with educational recourses about how to keep mom and infant healthy with information available at their OBGYN office, pediatrician’s office, and on


LYSOL’s Mission For Health! $20 AMEX GC #giveaway 3To help celebrate the Mission for Health, Lysol is letting For The Love of Baby! give a reader the chance to win a $20 AMEX Gift Card!

Enter to Win (Mandatory Entry)

  • Check out Lysol’s Mission for Health and tell me something that you learned or liked about the program.

Additional Entries (Leave a comment for each completed)

  • Head over to Facebook and “Like” Lysol’s page. Leave a note on their wall letting them know For The Love of Baby! sent you! One Additional Entry
  • “Like” For The Love of Baby! on Facebook. One Additional Entry
  • Twitter this giveaway letting others know of their chance to win! ONCE Daily Unlimited Entries
  • Comment on any non-giveaway blog post. Unlimited Entries

Open to US Mailing addresses. Contest Will End November 6th, 2010 at 11:59 PM CST. Winner will be selected at random. Winner will have 48 hours from the time contacted to claim prize.

I received an AMEX GC in return for my opinion about the Mission for Health Program. All opinions are that of my own.

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  1. I learned that Lysol has this Blue Ribbon School Attendance Challenge for kids as well, I’m loving how the big company gives back and helps the society.

  2. “Like” For The Love of Baby! on Facebook@tcarolinep JessieKatie S

  3. Well, I like anything that helps get rid of germs so thats a plus for me.It’s great they give so many tips on staying healthy.I like that!

  4. I learned that Lysol donated supplies in disaster situations, such as in Haiti.

  5. I like that Lysol not only donates products but promotes good health habits!

  6. I learned:
    Rinse sinks and showers after each use, and clean and disinfect them regularly with a suitable product to remove all the lime scale and soap scum that can harbor germs.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  7. I learned that you should use paper towels or wipes to clean your kitchen appliances!

  8. I like the section where you can ask questions!! I love being able to go on and ask any questions I have. Please enter me in this giveaway. Thanks!

  9. I like how they give back to the community and think the disaster relief mission is an excellent idea. Health concerns rise dramatically during a natural disaster.

  10. i learned that this program is developed specifically for schools with materials designed to motivate students to strive for better health and improved school attendance.

  11. I learned the when disasters strike Lysol is providing aid to families and children when and where it is needed most.

  12. I like that the contest on the Lysol page is actually judged based on relevance to the contest and isn’t a popularity contest!

    jennyjoz24 (at)

  13. I learned that leaks should be repaired promptly to prevent mold.

  14. I learned that part of the program is where they teach kids the tools to keeping healthy.
    Thanks so much.

  15. I like Lysol on FB (Margaret E. Smith) Commented on their wall too.

  16. I like you on FB (Magaret E. Smith)

  17. I like that they have the Blue Ribbon School Attendance Challenge.

  18. I learned that Lysol created the Blue Ribbon School Attendance Challenge.

  19. I learned that each week they will feature a Lysol mom hero of the week. I like how they have a breakdown of how to clean by room.

    jas8929 at gmail dot com

  20. I learned that (Wow!) the average cost of allergies is $7 million a year!!

  21. I like all the helpful information they have and learned that although toilet bowls are likely to contain germs, the risk of picking up germs directly from the toilet bowl is usually low, unless you touch it or it splashes during use or flushing or if someone in your family is sick with a stomach ailment.

  22. I like that they promote keeping down absences in school and donate to the schools.

  23. I like that they target parents and teachers, and that there is a forum where you can ask specific questions.

    hmcnaron at gmail

  24. part of the program is where they teach kids the tools to keeping healthy

  25. love they choose ordinary moms as hero of the week
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  26. I like that they have a program to help students learn about and strive for better health and better attendance.

    aigcanada7 at hotmail [dot] com

  27. I learned that each week during their contest, a LYSOL Mom will be selected as the Hero of the Week.

  28. I really liked all different ideas- they are so simple and can be very easily accomplished in this busy life of a working mother. I am planning to volunteer at a local hospital.

  29. I like that they work with Save the Children.

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  30. I like the suggestion of donating items to teachers. So many times we depend on teachers to do what’s right for our kids, but we must realize they are on even stricter and tighter budgets than we are! So anything we can do to help them would be greatly appreciated. Something as simple as a container of Lysol wipes would be of tremendous help!

  31. I learned that when disasters strike, health is a major concern through a donation to Save the Children, Lysol is providing aid to families and children when and where it is needed most.

  32. I like Lysol’s program to reward schools that promote health and thus reduce absenteeism.

  33. Cleaning and disinfecting are not the same thing. Cleaning removes germs from surfaces, whereas disinfecting actually destroys them.


  34. I like the fact that they are concentrating on schools and mothers for their program.

  35. i learned that Lysol donated supplies in disaster situations. I had no idea they did this, but that is a really great thing they are doing!

  36. I learned that you should clean and disinfect tiled walls and other hard surfaces where moisture is likely to collect, in order to prevent the growth of molds and fungi.

  37. I learned that foodborne illness is sometimes called “food poisoning.” According to CDC, foodborne illness causes 76 million gastrointestinal illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths each year. Foodborne illness germs are spread easily from some foods, especially raw meats and poultry, to hands or kitchen work surfaces, and in turn can be spread to other foods.

  38. I learned you have to wash linens in 130 degree water to kill dust mites. Makes me wonder if my water is hot enough.

  39. Lysol donatates to Save the Children, Lysol is providing aid to families and children when and where it is needed most.

    abstractrose at yahoo dot com

  40. I liked the Cold & Flu Tracker at the website. You just enter your zipcode for info on your area.

  41. ongoing education showing kids how to be healthy
    tattgiff at centurytel dot net

  42. I learned that each week a LYSOL Mom will be selected as the Hero of the Week. Thanks!

  43. I like the attendance program for schools.

    txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

  44. I like how they encourage children to attend school.
    chainmail(at) iwon(dot) com

  45. I learned that one way you can make a difference in your community is if you can’t physicall help clean a classroom because of your hectic schedule you can Donate Products to Teachers.

  46. I liked the jingle they use to remind you about covering for sneezes and coughs.

  47. I like the Bring in healthy snacks to your child’s classroom!

    msjem2001 at yahoo dot com

  48. I like that they are focusing on improving attendance in schools – I agree this is key to a student’s success.

  49. I like that Lysol helps during disasters

    itsjustme62613 at

  50. liked you on FB from Hearts N Flowers

    itsjustme62613 at

  51. I liked the tips for new moms, such as how to create a diaper station.

  52. Thats cool that they have resources for new moms on the New mom’s forum for questions & advice

  53. I like the Save the Children donation thing for disaster relief, seems like a great thing to do.

  54. I really like that this encourages children to have good attendance in school.

  55. I like all of the ideas they list for becoming a health advocate in your community (like volunteering at the hospital, start a committee within your PTA and creating handwashing presentations at schools)!

    Thanks for the great giveaway and the great info! 🙂

  56. I like Lysol on Facebook as Katy Morris and told them you sent me.

    Thanks!!! 🙂

  57. I just commented on your Autism Speaks PuzzleBuilder. Show your Support! post.

    Thanks!!! 🙂

  58. I just commented on your I let them stick a needle ABOVE my eye… post. Yikes!

    Thanks!!! 🙂

  59. I just commented on your LISTERINE/Reach Oral Care Challenge post.

    Thanks!!! 🙂

  60. I learned that through a donation to Save the Children, Lysol is providing aid to families and children when and where it is needed most.

  61. I learned that through this program Lysol’s partnership with Save the Children, they are helping to serve families struggling during a disaster and through recovery by addressing their immediate needs in areas such as shelter, health, hygiene and general well-being.

  62. i learned that this program was developed specifically for schools with materials designed to motivate students to strive for better health and improved school attendance.

    tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

  63. The Blue Ribbon School Attendance Challenge motivates students to attend school regularly and promotes good health.

  64. One thing that I learned that is Lysol does many humanitarian things, like helps out during disasters and does for schools

  65. One thing I learned from the Lysol site is that expecting mothers should never change the kitty litter because of the risk of toxoplasmosis. The site was full of helpful tips for everyone to keep in mind!

  66. I learned that Together with LYSOL, actress Cheryl Hines helped clean up a local school in Compton, CA to demonstrate simple things that moms can do to make a difference and keep her family thriving.

  67. I love that Lysol is there for victims of disaster.
    It to me says a lot about the company.


  68. I learned that approximately 10 million people are allergic to cat dander, the most common pet allergy.

  69. I LOVE the idea of the Blue Ribbon School Attendance Challenge! Year round school is great – when the season changes, lots of germs are going around school… but my kids weren’t in school so they didn’t get sick. But we don’t have year-round high schools, so now they’re getting sick every seasons change. It would be great if schools were motivated to keep the kids healthy

  70. I like that they have tips for new moms and donate to aid natural disasters.

  71. I like that they help moms by having info on :
    # Health tips for mom and baby
    # New mom’s forum for questions & advice
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  72. Save the Children helps with disaster relief. It’s an amazing program. Getting hospitals sanitized and various other locations so they can treat people.
    michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

  73. Like” Lysol’s page. Left note. iiiyadirf (michelle tucker)
    michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

  74. Follow you via Facebook- iiiyadirf (michelle tucker)
    michelle (at) harrisbb (dotcom)

  75. I like that they educate children on handwashing and keeping healthy
    Lovefool827 (at) yahoo (dotcom)

  76. While browsing Lysol’s ‘Mission of Health’ webpage, I learned that through their partnership with ‘Save the Children’ they are helping to serve families struggling during a disaster and through recovery by addressing their immediate needs in areas such as shelter, health, hygiene and general well-being!

    Lysol’s support will be used to help enable ‘Save the Children’ to respond ‘immediately’ to families in the areas affected by disasters!

  77. I learned that Lysol has created the Blue Ribbon School Attendance Challenge. This program is developed specifically for schools with materials designed to motivate students to strive for better health and improved school attendance.

  78. I like that they are focusing on improving attendence in schools.

  79. “Like” Lysol’s page. Leave a note on their wall letting them know For The Love of Baby! sent you

  80. I liked Lysol on Facebook and told them that you sent me (Sarah Smile).

  81. I like that they encourage attendance at school!

  82. I like it that the commpany helps with SAVE THE CHILDREN donations.It speaks alot about the kind of company they are.

  83. The CDC recommends using disinfecting wipes in classroom to wipe down frequently touched surfaces and objects.

  84. Commented on the important Autism Speaks Puzzle Builder: Show Your Support post.

  85. Lysol works with children to educate them on proper handwashing.

  86. Thanks for the giveaway…”Safe Spaces” is one of Save the Children’s signature programs in U.S. emergencies and around the world; it provides children with a special area where they can play, socialize, express themselves, and begin to recover through a variety of games and activities in the midst of a disaster.

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

  87. I like the blue ribbon attendence program to help kids have better attendence records at school.

  88. I like that they are involved with disaster relief

    ardy22 at earthlink dot net

  89. I learned that staph and MRSA germs can survive on some surfaces for hours, days or even months, depending on such factors as temperature and humidity.

  90. commented Have you heard about PayBox

    r hicks
    ardy22 at earthlink dot net

  91. I Like Lysol’s Facebook page and let them know you sent me
    (Charlene Kuser)

  92. I like that it has Celebrity Tips on ways you can help in your community.

  93. Actress and mother, Cheryl Hines, has teamed up with LYSOL to show moms how they can make a difference in their local community.

  94. I love that its giving seven winners the chance to clean up anything in the community. Contests like these need to happen more!
    xbeautifulcoma at yahoo dot com

  95. The LYSOL® Mission for Health is delivering helpful information through the Healthy Arrival magazine in OBGYN offices across the nation. The materials also offer money-saving coupons for LYSOL® products you can use to help create a clean and disinfected environment for your baby, your family and yourself.

  96. I like the ‘bring healthy snacks to your kid’s school’. Thanks for the contest.

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