It is now 12:12am. Aubrey has been up coughing and with a pretty much fully stuffed nose. I’ve done saline sprays, humidifier, Vicks on the back, Vicks on the chest, Vicks on the feet and she still can not sleep. It sucks.
I am noticing a trend that almost every other time Kelsie comes back from her time with her dad, she is sick. Which in turn, ends me up sick all the time. That whole deviated septum=instant sinus infections SUCKS when you can’t do anything about it. I don’t know what’s going on that she is constantly getting sick but I’m starting to get irritated. But what can I do when she’s not at my home to control?
Kelsie has been my ear infection baby. Aubrey has had no ear infections that I can recall. No matter how much pain Kelsie is in, she never tugs at her ears which makes it hard to decide, when’s it time for a doctor’s appt. I’ve learned to check for fever of course but one doctor told me “Fevers aren’t that big of deal in children” Okay buddy, thanks for that crappy advice. Aubrey’s problem is she can just never get a break on it either it seems-she is her mother’s daughter. When she is sick, there’s no breathing out of her nose. We have to watch her closely because she stops eating and drinking like normal.
Aubrey is now propped up on Daddy (for once) as I type this. Now, I am stuck in a rut as to if I do take her to the doctor, will it even do anything for her? Wednesday is her Well Child exam and her doctor will of course push for the flu vaccine but after the year last year, I honestly wonder what it would be like if we DIDN’T get her flu shot. Bad Mommy?
Last year, she was exposed to H1N1 and came down with it still…that was hell either way but I remember the doctor practically acting like I was a bad parent for not doing the vaccine. I was vaccinated. As the person out in public the most, I figured if I was protected, they were protected. I still got sick and showed signs of the H1N1 virus. I just do not see what the point of the vaccine is if we still get sick as dogs.
1 Comment
Does he smoke around her? Just wondering. I was sick all the time as a kid, but my Dad was a three pack a day smoker.
Smoke hangs on the little hairs down in the ear and then the stickiness lets more bacteria hang on to long, which can lead to ear infection. Have they ever cultured her ears when she has ear infection to see if it’s caused by an overgrowth of the staph bacteria all people carry to some degree in their bodies.