I jinxed it.

We discussed the ice right? And I said something yesterday about this freaking crap melting. Have I mentioned that I freaking hate the ice?

I had just gotten Kelsie home from her Daddy’s. She was asleep so I grabbed her out of her seat, bundled her blanket around her and started towards our building. As I turned the corner off our sidewalk, WHAM. I was on the ground. Kelsie was awake and “ouchie ouchie”-my arm on fire. I threw myself to the side opposite Kelsie to what I hope “padded” her part of the fall but man oh man.

Got her inside and she was fine but my arm was on fire. Took some maneuvering but got the coat off to see I busted my elbow open. Now I know that I can be a bit of a wimp sometimes but this HURT. My fingers tingly and all the way into my shoulder in pain. I waited about an hour and pain still did not go away so I called Urgent Care. They made me talk to First Nurse for triage and gah dangit-We need to see you in the ER. Two ER trips in less than a month. Damnit.

After two x-rays that hurt like hell, sent home with my arm in a sling, pain meds, and to follow up with my doctor. I’m a little annoyed though that on my discharge papers, it says there’s a possible fracture once swelling goes down. Could we tell me that NOW versus when I get to my Doctor in a few days? Here I thought taking the pain meds, I’d be knocked out. Nope. I still hurt. The edge is gone but owie. Yup that still hurts.

So-that Sunday for relaxing? Yeah didn’t happen.

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  1. Oh ouch! Hitting your elbow always hurt but sounds like you took a beating. Hope it’s not fractured and you feel better soon!!

  2. oh ouchie ouch i am a wuss too – but that DOES sound like pain! I fell on the steps outside out last house 2 winters ago the middle of my back on concrete steps. OUCH i had to work both my jobs that day (and this was on the way out the door at 730AM
    glad to hear your baby is ok tho
    Annie W mommawad@yahoo.com

  3. Oh I hope it’s not a fracture and I hope you didn’t hurt any of your nerves. Either way though, bet a slam like that takes about six to eight weeks to totally feel better. It’s hard when you have a little one and car seats to deal with, because the arm really doesn’t get the heal time it should.

  4. I thought you were going to say you jinxed it and caused the blizzard and I was going to give you hell, but OUCH! I’m so glad Kelsie is ok and I hope your elbow isn’t broken! Last round of ice my mom fell and broke her elbow. She had an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon today to see if she had to have surgery but they canceled due to snow. So, hope yours isn’t as bad hers, cuz that sucks.

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