Beyond Printing on Traditional Media: Learn How HD Images Can Be Printed on a Metal Surface in 3 Easy Steps

Printing operations have come a long way over the years, allowing for higher definition and a plethora of printing materials. Many people are surprised that printing technology now allows for high definition metal printing. With this information, you can learn about metal printing and how it can be carried out in three simple steps.

What Is Involved in Metal Printing?

Understanding the metal printing process involves learning about the different steps that are involved. The printing process is much the same as printing on photo paper, but there are some minor differences. The following steps must be taken in the process.

  1. The metal piece must be coated so the ink will be absorbed into this coating. The coatings that are available are both opaque and clear, depending on the type of image that is being printed on the metal pieces.
  2. Dye sublimation is carried out to ensure the printer inks are permanently bonded with the hard coating that is placed on top of the metal piece. Dye sublimation involves the ink being turned into a gas at very high temperatures. The ink is then bonded with the hard coating on the metal so the two become permanently combined.
  3. The printed piece must then be protected with a durable top coating that will seal the ink in place and prevent it from fading or becoming damaged.

What Are the Benefits of Metal Printing?

There are a few different benefits of printing photos on metal versus photo paper. Understanding these differences will help you to choose whether or not metal is the ideal material for your next printing project.

  • One of the biggest benefits of printing on metal is the images are much less likely to fade. Paper prints fade quickly, but metal prints will not begin to fade until they are around 100 years old.
  • Another benefit of using metal is they are scratch-resistant. During the sublimation process, the inks are placed below the top coating of the metal making them a permanent part of the metal.
  • There are no limitations on the final look of a printed metal piece. These can be displayed in frames, like traditional photos, or hung from floating wall hooks for a more modern look.
  • These prints are much easier to clean than traditional photos. The ink will not come off when dusted or wiped clean so there is no worry about damage.
  • Metal sheets are much lighter in weight than some other printing materials so they can safely be hung on a variety of types of walls without causing damages or being so heavy they fall.
  • Printing on metal sheets offers a much richer and greater color depth than with photo paper. Comparing a metal print against a paper print shows the glorious depths of color metal offers.

It is clear, metal is a superior material and can last for many years without becoming damaged or fading. Your photos will come to life when printed on metal.


Metal is now an option with dye sublimation and it offers beautiful results that will last a lifetime. Metal printing is the ideal way to preserve your photo memories and ensure they are protected against fading and other types of damage.

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