Get Fit With #ProjectFitMom

Get Fit With #ProjectFitMom 1

Some of us get lucky after having children and get pretty darn close to back to pre-baby weight. I was one of those individuals with my first pregnancy. After giving birth to my second daughter, Aubrey, my health has tanked and now I find myself fighting to get back to my pre-pregnancy norm. I’m doing lots of experimenting right now to decide what will work best for myself and my health and am hoping that by blogging my circumstances and experiences, I can help others struggling with keeping motivated.

Get Fit With #ProjectFitMom 2
Whether you suffer from something like fibromyalgia or not, Project Fit Mom is an online get fit resource for Moms everywhere that want to learn more about getting fit and ways to get yourself up and moving. We’ve all been there-whether with our health or just our general well being, Moms everywhere need to learn to not forget to take care of themselves! Tanya has created Project Fit Mom to share her experiences with everyone.

I hope to bring a unique outlook to the Project Fit Mom and share my experiences with everyday products and how to stay motivated while dealing with chronic pain. So be sure to check out Project Fit Mom! Do you want me to check out a product and share how it works for a person with health situations? Let me know and I’ll see what I can do!

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