Dealing with Sick Kids

Dealing with Sick Kids 1

This week has sucked. Actually, this WINTER has sucked when it comes to our family staying healthy.

This week, we have had vomit, ear infections, snotty noses, blow out diapers. You name it, it’s happened. When you have two curious twins, I can tell you, it just calls for a full out mess through the ENTIRE HOUSE. Despite dousing the house in Lysol and the kids in hand sanitizer, all of us got sick in some way.

I am ready for Winter to be over. We’ve dealt with influenza, whooping cough, stomach flu….we just haven’t stayed well!

So, if I’ve bored you this past week, I am sorry! I am playing catch up right now and working on some exciting things for you all.

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  1. I am sorry to read about your sick babies! I always get really sad when my niece is sick! God bless and take care!

  2. wow,you have had a tough winter ,,maybe it will make them stronger so they wont catch it again,,spring is just around the corner

  3. I am so sorry they where sick. I know I hate it when my son is so I know it is not fun.

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