Choosing Cloth Diapers for your Family-Going Green Giveaway


p style=”text-align: center;”>Sara from Diaper Daisy is back with more info on cloth diapering as well as some goodies for you!

I am so excited to be talking about going green with cloth diapers here on “For the Love of Baby!”  Cloth diapering is a great way to save both the environment and your wallet at the same time.

Yesterday, I wrote a quick overview of all of the different types of cloth diapers.  After looking through all of that information, many parents’ heads are spinning.  I remember thinking, “I just wish I knew the right answer – which are right for our family?”

When making this decision, I urge parents to think about their reasons for cloth diapering and be realistic about their lifestyle.  For parents making this decision for economic reasons, the least expensive of cloth diapers are prefolds.  For less than $250, parents can purchase two dozen each of two different sizes of prefold diapers and multiple covers to last from birth through potty training.  (In comparison, the cost of 18 one-size pocket diapers is around $350, the cost of 18 small and 18 medium AIO diapers is around $700, and the cost of disposables can reach upwards of $2500 or more!)

I think lifestyle is honestly the most important factor in determining which type of diaper will work best for you.  Look at the advantages and disadvantages of each type of diaper above.  Which do you think will work best with your life?  Think about these things:

  • Do you prefer convenience, or will your child be cared for by others who need convenience?  Then at least some all-in-one diapers are a good option.
  • Do you want to easily be able to change the absorbency of your cloth diapers?  Pockets are easiest for that and are a good choice.
  • Do you want to forgo convenience for the biggest cost savings?  Prefolds and flats fit the bill.
  • Are you looking for the trimmest fit?  Fitted diapers and AIOs have what you are looking for.

Do you need to choose just one type of diaper?  No! 🙂  You can choose different types of diapers to use at different times of day or in different situations.  You can definitely choose prefolds to use at home and add a few all-in-ones to use out and about.  You can use fitted diapers during the day and pockets at night to make it easier to adjust the absorbency.

Is your head still spinning?  You may want to consider setting up a cloth diaper trial with a store like Diaper Daisy.  For a small deposit, you can try out many different types of diapers for a few weeks.  There are even some stores where you can set up a custom trial, consisting of the specific types of diapers you are interested in.  You usually have the chance to keep some or all of the diapers at a great cost savings.

Overall, just keep in mind that there is no wrong way to cloth diaper.  Choosing diapers at the beginning can actually be the most difficult part, but it is so great to know there is no wrong answer.  That is the fun of it – you can find what works for you and your family.  Happy diapering!

Are you ready to shop?

Sara is offering For The Love of Baby! readers 10% Off ANY ORDER from Diaper Daisy through the end of July. At checkout, just use coupon code-LOVEOFBABY.


Sara is also offering one lucky reader of For The Love of Baby! a $25 Gift Certificate to Diaper Daisy.

Mandatory Entry

1.Check out Diaper Daisy and let me know what you would purchase with your win.

Additional Entries (The Above Must Be Completed First)

  1. Follow @DiaperDaisy on Twitter and Tweet this Giveaway. You MUST leave a comment with the link to your status. Once per day

  2. Become a fan of Diaper Daisy on Facebook

  3. Check out Sara’s post that breaks down EVERY type of Cloth diaper. Leave a VALID comment on the post discussing cloth diapers or any question you might have.

4.Blog about this giveaway linking back to Diaper Daisy and For The Love of Baby! Five Additional Entries

Contest will End July 31, 2009 at 11:59 PM CST. Winner will have 48 hours from the time contacted to claim prize or another winner will be selected.

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  1. I think I would get a Thirsties fab fitted and a hemp insert – two things I do not have to add to my stash. 🙂

  2. I would get a knickernappies with microfiber and a Snappi! I really want to try a snappi with my prefolds, so I’m all about that.

  3. I always love to be reminded of the savings so I liked the example she had on her New To Cloth section. I’ve become quite obsessed with cloth and own mainly one size diapers because they are the most cost effective. I also have info on my blog if anyone is interested in reading about some of the brands Diaper Daisy carries and my reviews/opinions about them.

  4. I would choose a couple of new diapers to try. Probably a Knickernappies G2 and a Thirsties AIO. I’m just starting out and trying to figure out what I like best.

  5. I would probably get a FuzziBunz Perfect Sized – Large. I have not used fuzzi bunz and would love to try them. ANd maybe a swim diaper or training pants too..

  6. I’ve been wanting to try a Happy Heiny’s one-size with the snaps. Not a big fan of aplix!

    mommainflipflops AT

  7. if i won, i’d pick up some hemp inserts for my pockets. I’ve been wanting to get some for a while, but haven’t had the $$. i would probably get a new swim diaper too….

  8. I love cloth diapering, and as you suggest, I never feel limited to just one type of diaper. In fact, I think my baby’s bottom needs the variety. (Plus, I love the choices!)

    If I won, I’d get the one size Fuzzi Bunz, because I’ve been dying to try it out!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  9. I’d love to try the fuzzibunz one size diapers, so I’d get one of those, and I need a new wet bag also! Thanks so much for the chance!

  10. At this point I would get some of the hemp stuffins, since that’s what I need the most!

  11. With #2 on the way, and with it looking very likely that #1 will be in diapers still for 6-12 months after #2’s birth, we’re looking to build up our stash a bit. I’d probably use my winnings towards a few more one-size diapers. We use BG one size now, but I’d like to try the FB one size diapers too.

  12. I would prob get a Thirsties Duo Wrap and some prefolds, or a pail liner! I’ve really been wanting to try prefolds and wraps!

  13. I would probably buy some inserts. We just started using some of the BumGenius 3.0 and I’d like to play with different inserts in them. Marissa

  14. I would get a sposoeasy help pocket diaper. I’ve love to expand our cloth diaper collection to some pockets and/or all in ones.

  15. I would definitely get a bumgenius AIO organic! I’ve been wanting to try those since they came out, I love the snaps!

  16. I would get a thirsties fab fitted in lavender and a thirsties diaper cover in lavender!

  17. I would pick up a couple pairs of Imse Vimse Training Pants. We are almost ready to start potty training and these look great to start with.

  18. I would buy a Bum Genius 3.0, probably the twilight or moonbeam. Don’t have any blue ones yet.

  19. Thanks for the education in the family going green giveaway for the criteria in selecting cloth diapers. New gransdon due in November. Thanks Sw

  20. it’s a toss up between teh training pants for my kid that needs to get out of those bumgeiouses for my baby. or some nicer diapers for my baby, because the prefolds, covers i’m using, arne’t cutting it

  21. SposoEasy Organic Cotton – Large
    Thank you 4 the awesome review,giveaway and 4 the entry:)

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