Apparently Iowa Drivers

Still haven’t gotten a hint about the snow on the roads. No matter how much snow and ice there is TIME AND TIME AGAIN, people think they can drive like it’s a hot sunny 90 degree day.

Just because you have a huge truck or SUV, does not make you have power and invincible to Mother nature. It makes you a moron if you think you can still speed. 80% of cars I saw in ditch were SUVS, Trucks, and Vans.

So next time you bundle up to go out, and you think oh my god would the person in front of me hurry up, maybe you should think about leaving early for work that morning. It might just save a person’s life.

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  1. Holy crap! I saw about 10+ cars in the ditch on the way to your house 2 weeks ago. It made my butt slow down. LOL
    .-= Tanya @ Mommy Goggles´s last blog ..Pardon the dust… again! =-.

  2. This is just crazy! I am now an Illinois resident (used to live in So Cal) and I am amazed at the driving as well!

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