I’ve been quiet about it not knowing a date for sure and then of course, with the twins making their debut, I’ve been a bit slow in talking.
In December, I had the chance to talk with Megan Reuther about my experiences blogging. It has been an incredible thing. Never did I know that I’d be able to share and connect with so many people and I also know the only way is up from here.
Thank you for taking the time to visit, I promise to get some more giveaways up and running ASAP for all of you new readers. And of course, share some pictures of Kelsie, Aubrey, Nathan, and Lucas.
As soon as I can get a copy of the news story, I will get it embedded here for those who missed!
For those that missed it or were out of viewing area, here you go!
If you would like to connect on Facebook, our fan page is located at For The Love of Baby! and follow along on Twitter @MommyJenna
Awesome job girl! Great coverage, you did wonderful!
FANTASTIC!! I love it! You did great! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE how they had the guy talking about it being great for businesses! I work with companies every day to help them set up social media strategies and Blogging is a HUGE part of that! So awesome!