Wordless Wednesday:Crawling Down The Trail #twins #WW

Baxter Bike Trail

Well, while the twins are walking around the house, they won’t outside. Lucas hates the grass but both of them have no problem crawling down the hard concrete bike trail. Silly Boys.


Baxter Photography Bike Trail

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    1. Thanks! Nope I didn’t although I need one to play with more. I literally was laying flat, chin on ground LOL

  1. Ooh, the sky in that top photo is gorgeous! And, of course the boys are adorable as ever!

  2. Love the angle on the 1st shot. It’s like what another toddler would see.

  3. the top one looks like he is trying to catch the red caboose! great shot. funny what senses they are more aware to. my middle grandson hated the feeling of anything on his knees (maybe from his SPD?) so he just got up and ran quickly! still hasn’t stopped either 😉

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