Since the twins have entered middle school, they have been exploring new activities and interests. Last year, Nathan and Lucas joined band and quickly fell in love even more with all things music. Lucas started on the trombone and Nathan, the alto sax, although he has since moved up to tenor sax. They’ve also had […]
Wordless Wednesday WayBackWednesday
It’s been awhile since we have posted a Wordless Wednesday but I decided why not share it with the #WayBackWednesday I shared to Instagram! View this post on Instagram Wow! I’m getting ahead for #waybackwednesday and can’t believe how little the twins were! Look at my happy boys! ? ? . . . . . […]
The Comedy of Pulling Baby Teeth
Sometimes in this house, a simple event can become an event for the entire family. Nathan and Lucas have begun losing baby teeth recently and Nathan had a permanent tooth come in before a baby tooth came out. After talking to our dentist, we decided we had to be goofy to get Nathan wiggling that […]
Staying on Track for 2018 Goals
This year I chose the word “Investment” as my 2018 focus word. While the first thing that probably comes to mind is financial investment, I’m happy to say there is so much more to it for our family. We plan to grow our successes in many ways this year and I’ve considered how stepping out […]
Nathan and Lucas’ 6th Birthday
Six years ago at this time, I was sitting in Labor and Delivery with the strong knowledge that two little boys were on the way. To put it simply, I was terrified. I had no idea how I would do it but now, I wouldn’t change any of it. I remember details like it was […]
When Mom Guilt Kicks
This Summer has been a chaotic one. As I prepare to send the twins off to Kindergarten, I find myself stuck worrying about quite a bit. Unfortunately I can admit, feeling the mom guilt also leads an old friend to try popping up. Depression. I have spent 90% of our Summer with the twins at therapy […]
The Last Day of School
As I dropped my kids off for their final day of school, the emotions hit me a bit. The twins began HeadStart right after turning three. We all struggled with this “new”. Nathan and Lucas would fight tooth and nail for Mommy to not leave and there were lots of tears. We had very few […]
Life Gets Crazy, especially with Twins
We all have times in our life where simply put, it feels like you never get the chance to sit down. With the end of the school year quickly approaching, our family is on the go 24/7. The twins are both dealing with speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and more. We have been working […]
The Twins 5th Birthday!
The twins turn FIVE today! My sweet baby boys turn 5 tomorrow. I love you both so much and proud of you! #HappyBirthday #twins #love #lucasandnathan #OneTreeHill #babyboys #sons #identicaltwins #truelove A photo posted by Jenna?MommyJenna (@mommyjenna) on Jan 3, 2017 at 7:54pm PST We love you both so much Lucas and Nathan! Five years […]
Being a Parent Advocate for your Child #SpecialNeeds #LifeWithTwins
As a mom of twins, there is never a dull moment. We’ve hit road bumps and hurdles in the almost five years since Lucas and Nathan were born. In those five years, I’ve also learned that I will always be the number one advocate for my children. I’ve been proactive in ensuring the twins have […]
Happy 2nd Birthday Nathan and Lucas
Two years ago, our life took a crazy but amazing change when Nathan and Lucas made their entrance into the world. 7 minutes apart, Nathan and Lucas joined our family January 4th shortly after 4 pm and our entire life changed for the better. Being a Mom is such a special thing but there’s something […]
Wordless Wednesday:No Words, Just Giggles
I dare you to not smile when you watch this.
Wordless Wednesday:Oh ornery little boys
Tonight was a hair cut night for the twins. After getting them down to their diapers, I got to chase them both around as they attempted to take off their diapers. Never a dull moment in this house.
Wordless Wednesday:Styling and Profiling #Twins #WW #Linky
It was the perfect photo opp. Who can say No to a baby in a fedora? Now imagine TWO babies in fedoras? You now see our predicament. Now the real question is who can tell me which one is Nathan and which one is Lucas??? (hehehe)
Wordless Wednesday:Sibling Best Friends #WW #Linky
I can not believe how much my sweet children grow. There’s never a dull moment in our family that’s for sure. I’m so proud of each and every one of my babies. While they sometimes fight for what seems like an eternity, they are sibling best friends.