Wordless Wednesday-My "Twins"

Wordless Wednesday-My "Twins" 1

Wordless Wednesday-My "Twins" 2

Which is Which?

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  1. HA! That’s great!

    My boys looked exactly the same on their birth days. But? Now? Uh? Well, nothing alike. Genetics are funny, no?

    Great post!

  2. nice, I don’t think i could handle twins, Everyone thinks mine are twins but they are 14 months apart.

  3. LOL stopping over from MomDot. The 2nd one looks a lot like my 2nd son did at that age.

  4. I can’t tell who is who but the second’s head is more rounder than the first. 🙂

  5. Your twins are adorable. They really are. I don’t know how you do it. I would never be able to tell them apart.

  6. I can’t tell who is who either, but they are both adorable photos! Deja vu, anyone? You have to wonder if they’ll look alike as they both continue to get older.

  7. oh goodness they are precious! im gonna say the first pic is kelsie, and the second pic little aubrey

  8. I think the first is Aubrey the second is Kelsie! They look so much alike!

  9. My sister has twins! It always amazes me how a mother an always tell! I can’t unless they are standing together:)

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