Totino’s Pizza Stuffers Giveaway Five Winners!

Totino's Pizza Stuffers Logo

As a family that is constantly on the go and someone always has somewhere to be, it’s no surprise sometimes that hubby or I are throwing something in the microwave fast to eat before running out the door. One thing that we quickly learn as college students of course, Totino’s is a college favorite.

Totino's Pizza Stuffers Giveaway Five Winners! 1

When the husband and I learned about Totino’s Pizza Stuffers, it just made sense that it would probably be a hit in our house, especially when he’s in a hurry to eat something before taking off for class or work. With a quick on the go option, Pizza Stuffers can easily be a snack throughout the day or a grab and go for those of you like us, running out the door.

Totino’s Pizza Stuffers is a tasty option; it’s delicious, warm and convenient and comes in a kid-friendly shape, designed to keep the filling inside, instead of all over everything else. Available in Pepperoni, Cheese and Combination (Pepperoni and Sausage), Totino’s Pizza Stuffers makes snack time a treat for moms who are sick of cooking and cleaning up. Less mess and great taste mean more fun for both mom and kids!

 “We know that moms are busy. It’s part of the job. To make things easier, we are thrilled to introduce Totino’s Pizza Stuffers as a fast, on-the-go snack option,” said Matt McQuinn, marketing manager for Totino’s. “Pizza Stuffers deliver on taste, convenience and less mess.  It’s a win-win snack selection for moms everywhere.”

Every once in awhile, our girls love having pizza rolls as a quick lunch so having pizza stuffers makes it that much easier to get a quick lunch that I know they’ll enjoy with some applesauce or a fruit cup.


Totino's Pizza Stuffers Giveaway Five Winners! 2

FIVE For The Love of Baby! readers will win a coupon for FREE One Package of any flavor/variety of Totino’s Pizza Stuffers!

Mandatory Entry

Take a look around Totino’s website and leave me a comment of something you learned or a variety of Totino’s you’d like to try.

  • Follow @mommyjenna on Twitter One Additional Entry
  • Become a fan of For The Love of Baby! on Facebook One Additional Entry
  • Become a fan of Totino’s on Facebook One Additional Entry
  • Tweet about this giveaway Twice daily for unlimited entries (Tweets must not be within the same hour, please don’t spam people. Must have 50 followers)
  • Become an e-mail subscriber of For The Love of Baby! Two Additional Entries
  • Comment on any non-giveaway postUnlimited entries
Contest Open to US addresses only. Contest will end November 16th, 2011 at 11:59 PM CST. Winner will have 48 hours from time contacted to claim prize.

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  1. learned they include boxtops for education debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  2. I didn’t know Pizza Rolls came in Cheesy Taco! Never saw them in my store!
    My daughter is a Pizza Rolls nut!
    style decor 1 at gmail dot com

  3. I follow @mommyjenna on Twitter @StyleDecor
    style decor 1 at gmail dot com

  4. I’m a fan of “For the Love of Baby” on FB!
    style decor 1 at gmail dot com

  5. Commented on your Sunday Stroll linky! I always link up! Thank you!
    style decor 1 at gmail dot com

  6. I’m an email subscriber (2nd entry of 2)
    style decor 1 at gmail dot com

  7. I’d like to try the sausage pizza rolls.. I usually eat their cheese and pepperoni pizza rolls.

  8. I would love to try cheesy taco pizza rolls. How come I have never seen these in the stores near me.

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