Must Do Monday-August is here!

Must Do Monday-August is here! 1

I can not believe that we are already into August now. It is unbelievable. Next month, Aubrey will turn TWO! But with it being August, it does not mean the days are any less busy! Must Do Monday is a meme (in growing form hopefully) allowing the chance to physically think about what is necessary […]

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Must Do Monday-Round 2

Monday has creeped up on all of us once again. My computer laptop cord has began having a mind of it’s own. Thankfully, I was able to figure out from trying to plug Steven’s laptop cord in that it is the cord most likely. So, I ordered a new power cord off of I […]

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Must Do Monday-Round 1

With the start of a new week, I’m sure I am not the only one that thinks about the things that need to get done this week. If you are anything like me, it’s nice to have a somewhat visual reminder about what needs to get done so you can hold yourself accountable. With that, […]

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