The Last Day of School

The Last Day of School 2

As I dropped my kids off for their final day of school, the emotions hit me a bit. The twins began HeadStart right after turning three. We all struggled with this “new”. Nathan and Lucas would fight tooth and nail for Mommy to not leave and there were lots of tears. We had very few […]

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My twins are different as night and day

My twins are different as night and day 4

For the twins being identical, their personalities are as different as night and day. While both are always on the go, the antics that go along with each have their own pattern. It’s funny to see how they are becoming individuals. Nathan Nathan is pure ornery and he knows it. Nathan is the child you […]

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The Twins Laughing

The Twins Laughing 6

The boys are getting quite comical, especially when they are interacting with each other. We have head shaking, squealing, laughing….ALL OF IT. Last night, I caught the boys shaking their heads and just giggling and squealing away. Daddy started reading a book and of course, they just had to have a blast. Now, I always […]

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Twins 12 Month Update

Twins 12 Month Update 8

It is impossible for me to believe that Nathan and Lucas have been with us an entire YEAR! They just had their 12 month Well Child appointments as well as their physical therapist appointment here at home. Sure enough, we had nothing but good news! Nathan and Lucas both met all of their twelve month […]

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Preparing for Lucas’ Cranial Band.

Preparing for Lucas' Cranial Band. 15

Tomorrow afternoon, we will be heading back to the Orthotics. I really can’t put my emotions into words right now but I am overwhelmed to say the least. We are preparing for a rough week as he adjusts to having to wear the cranial band/helmet. I’m worried as all my children have very sensitive skin […]

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