Image Credit If you are keen to try and clean your home as thoroughly as possible, you will probably want to make sure that you are not overlooking some of the parts of the home that people generally do miss. These are so persistently overlooked that it is genuinely a good idea to make sure […]
Mom’s Summer Wish…what would yours be?
As most know, I am the mom of two rugrats that keep me on the go. Sometimes my headaches get the best of me and I feel so annoyed that all I can do is cuddle with my little girls when I would love to be up and running around playing with them. With Summer, […]
Tackle It Tuesday-My List I can See
Today is definitely a tackle it day. While I have never participated in a Tackle It Tuesday before, it’s my time to do so. I need to physically see my list of what needs done so I can do it-accomplish it. With just Aubrey and myself today, I’ve looked around and realized-I’ve got some work […]