As most know, I am the mom of two rugrats that keep me on the go. Sometimes my headaches get the best of me and I feel so annoyed that all I can do is cuddle with my little girls when I would love to be up and running around playing with them. With Summer, Kelsie had her first gymnastics class ever. There’s been dr’s appts., girls’ appts., and running here and there between that. When you are a Mom, they aren’t joking about never sitting down.
I would love the opportunity to get up and run around with my kids but sometimes, I just have to say no so things can get done. I hate doing that. I love cuddle time with the girls, coloring, sitting back in their room and just doing nothing but watching them play with their toy kitchen-the creativity that flows from them is just amazing.
I would love to have that time that I could truly sit back and not have my mind going nuts with what needs done. We’ve all done it-we sit down and begin the Dishes need done, I need to vacuum, laundry needs picked up, that shelf is looking a little dusty, what time do I need to be at ___ tomorrow? Mom’s mind never just shuts down. That would be my wish. Maybe I could hire a commercial janitorial to come through and take care of all that stuff I keep seeing and needing done. Wouldn’t it be nice to just sit to relax with your family and see NOTHING wrong? That would be any Mom’s Wish!
What would your Summer Wish be?