This morning I received word that my Aunt Angie(Dad’s sister) had passed away on Thursday. I knew that she had started Home Hospice and unfortunately, I knew exactly what would be responsible for her passing. In 2009, I lost my Dad to Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency. If you have been a long-time reader of my blog, […]
Keep Your Smoke to Yourself
I have been around smokers my entire life. I too, had that time in my life where I was smoking. I would grab a cigarette whenever it was offered. Now? I hate cigarette smoke. Pregnant with my girls, I would GAG anytime I smelled smoke. I have been diagnosed with asthma since I was a […]
Daddy Daddy Don’t Leave.
Today is the official day to say goodbye to my Dad. It hasn’t full hit me yet. I’m mad. The world’s still moving but I feel numb. So what if he wasn’t “around” when I was little? That doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t BE HERE on this Earth if it wasn’t for him. He had a […]