Round Two of Trigger Points Coming Right Up!

Round Two of Trigger Points Coming Right Up! 1

Believe it or not, the 25th is almost already here and it will be another round of trigger point injections for me. I have a cousin that is going to be going with me this time (she is a lifesaver!) but I think it will be a blast to be in the car and chatting it up and hey, she gets to watch me get stabbed all over LOL.

In the past few weeks, I’ve started to hurt a bit more but of course, trigger points can only work for so long before they wear out, especially when you are like me and have fought the pain for quite sometime. My chiropractor though says he is happy with what it has been doing so far. He says it’s still tight but not nearly the rock hard can’t move it no matter how hard you try. I started going to Rebarcak Chiropractic when I was pregnant with Aubrey and I don’t think I could see myself going anywhere else. You are treated like a member of their family and I truly know they are listening to what I have to say and how frustrated I have been with things.

Now, one thing I’m not looking forward to is this doctor telling me I needed to start Lyrica. Well, for one, my insurance doesn’t cover it so there’s no way I could pay for such myself. And many have told me of issues of weight gain and so forth that I could not handle anymore, especially not with my Total Gym Mom Challenge happening right now. I’ve been fighting to get the fibromyalgia weight off now and there’s no way I’m going to just torture myself further. I have a feeling I will get an earful from my pain management physician but hey, he’s not the one feeding kids on a minimum income-sure, it’s no problem for HIM to get the meds for himself if it was needed.

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