Remembering My Grandpa

Remembering My Grandpa 1

Today as I was going through some boxes, I found the Memorial from my grandpa’s funeral. While some might be “Daddy’s girl”, I was always “Grandpa’s girl”. I still remember getting the phone call like it was just hours ago and I find myself fighting back the tears.

Grandpa was an incredible man to say the least. He loved each and every one of his family dearly and he was also the “head honcho”. Whatever he said, goes. I of course was the little punk that had to have a few words back with him (When I was an adult of course, I was keeping him young :P)

As I read the memorial of him being a prankster, it brought me back to a memory of when I was a little girl and I couldn’t help but chuckle.Remembering My Grandpa 2

My grandparent’s house is a tri-level with the bedrooms on the top floor. My mom and I were in one room watching TV with the door closed and Grandma was in her room riding her exercise bike. It was in the evening so it was the just sit and relax mode. I don’t recall for sure what was on TV but as we sat there, “POP! POP!!BANG BANG! POP!” It was almost louder than a gun at that age to me.
My mom jumped straight off the bed as I of course, the daredevil that I was, ran straight for the door. My grandma was “What on EARTH!?”. As I opened the door, to see Grandpa running down the stairs and turning to chuckle, sure enough-there was a Cool-Whip container between the doors with “wrapper” shards all around the hallway. My Grandma of course started yelling about burning down the house. Being Grandpa’s girl, I started laughing and sharing in the comedy with my Grandpa. He had filled that Cool-Whip container with firecrackers and yes, it went off with a bang right in that house.

While I miss my Grandpa dearly, it’s memories such as these that put a smile on my face each and every day. Grandpa was our rock and would tell you exactly what was up when you needed to hear it but, he was also my best friend.

I love you and miss you everyday Grandpa <3

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  1. What a great memory! And even I started chuckling! That sounds just like something a great grandpa would do! It’s wonderful when we can hang onto such great memories, even when we miss those we love most.

  2. I’m so special that you have precious memories like this with your grandpa. I have found that memories can be so comforting and special and can keep that special person alive in your heart long after they are gone.

  3. My grandparents have always been a big part of my life on my mother’s side. Wasn’t as close with the ones on my father’s side and I do regret it a bit now.

  4. What a wonderful memory! Some grandparents really go above and beyond to be special. I am sorry for your loss, but you have those memories. :hugs:

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