Preparing for Twins

Jenna Goodwin

When I first found out I was having twins, I think I was in too much shock to fully comprehend what was really going on. I found myself leaving the hospital a bit dazed as I began making phone calls home to my husband, to my best friend, to my Grandma. I was met with just the same amount of shock as I was feeling.

Now mind you, I had done the pregnancy thing twice before, everything you know about pregnancy gets thrown out the window when it comes to twins. I took back my thoughts of death from my morning sickness during my first pregnancy. The twins doubled that and I even found myself admitted to the hospital. There were more doctors’ appointments, more ultrasounds (I was okay with that), and more questions.

There was one thing that stuck in my mind. “Does this mean I automatically am having a C-section?” When I asked the OB/GYN, I was assured No. While yes, the possibility is higher, many twin moms are able to deliver naturally. I would have to deliver in the operating room in case of an emergency. I can tell you for sure, if you think a hospital delivery is hard, try doing it on a cold hard operating room table where if you sneeze, you’re going to fall off.

My boys were born both weighing over 5 lbs at 33.5 weeks. While their weights were great, we still had a NICU stay of two weeks. Primarily, this was a time to grow and make sure they knew how to eat, etc. Being a NICU parent is a very trying time but, I spent each day with my little guys.

While being a mom of twins definitely has it’s challenges, every minute is completely worth it.

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