Mabel’s Labels Blogher 2010 Contest!

With Mabel’s Labels BlogHer ’10 Contest, I couldn’t help but want to enter and show my love for one of the first companies I ever encountered as a blogger.

Electrical storms are going to wipe out the Internet (perhaps forever). You have one day left to write about your passions: what do you want to say to the blogosphere in 300 words or less?

Mabel's Labels Blogher 2010 Contest! 1Blogging has given me an opportunity to share my voice with so many individuals. Never did I know that I would create so many relationships online. While we may never hear my voice again online with these electrical storms, I still have one “last chance” to be heard. My passion is a want to help others, in anyway that I can.

Never be afraid to use your voice. You have experiences. You have knowledge. You telling that one story might reach out to another-you can help someone by being the voice. Do not be afraid to stand up for what you believe in. Sometimes you taking a stand is what it takes for another to do the same.

Be true to yourself. Be unique. There are always a million people out there. Be that one in a million. People will remember it. Take pride in who you are and what you stand for. Like the old saying goes, It is better to be hated for what you are then loved for what you are not.

I have always wanted my blog to be one you can come to and have a laugh, share a cry, and Learn. You don’t have to be in a classroom taking notes to learn. Human relations is more than that company department.  It’s compassion. It’s integrity. The true test is something you will never be graded on.

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  1. I think it is great that you are entering. It is important to use your voice and going to Blogher will definitely give you that chance to be heard. Look how much you were able to say in 300 words or less. I can only imagine what more you would share if given the chance. Good luck!
    .-= 1stopmom´s last blog ..Survivor: Hereos vs Villains =-.

  2. A very good message. We should be true to ourselves. Besides, I think it takes too much effort to be fake. You either like me for who I am, or you don’t, and that’s OK. If we were all the same the world would be boring.
    .-= Amanda´s last blog ..Please Vote for Me =-.

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