Love is NOT Abuse

Love is NOT Abuse 1

As a survivor of dating violence, it stuns me to look back and realize some of the things I encountered. It also scares me being the mother of two girls how common dating violence is. 1 in 4 teens will experience dating violence.

Love is NOT Abuse 2Liz Claiborne Inc. has been working since 1991 to put an end to domestic violence. This month, the app “Love is NOT Abuse” was released to give parents an eye-opening experience to teen dating abuse and help parents realize the true danger and signs of dating abuse.

So to help get the conversation started, Liz Claiborne Inc.’s teen dating violence prevention initiative, Love Is Not Abuse, has launched an iPhone app designed to educate parents on everything they need to know about teen dating abuse – how to spot the warning signs, get help, and more importantly, start conversations with their children about dating before abuse can even begin – all in one easily accessible tool.

One of the app’s most interactive features is that it actually allows parents, through a dramatic demonstration, to experience firsthand how technology plays a role in dating abuse. Parents receive increasingly menacing phone calls, text messages and emails that mimic the types of controlling and threatening behaviors faced by nearly 1 in 4 teens. The impact is immediate and important: empowering parents to talk to their teens.

It is important for everyone to educate themselves on the warning signs so you can help someone you know that may unfortunately experience this.

To learn more, visit and follow along at Facebook and Twitter. Download the Love is NOT Abuse app for free in the iTunes App Store.

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