It is official.
My Kelsie has finished her first year of school. Today was her last day of Kindergarten. It is hard to believe that my baby girl is old enough to be doing what she’s doing. Kelsie is smart beyond words. She excelled throughout Kindergarten and I’m proud of her for all that she has learned.
Kelsie was actually upset that school was out for the Summer. Her kindergarten teacher was nothing short of perfect in my eyes. She challenged Kelsie and found ways to keep her learning. Mrs. Lunn will always be one of those teachers Kelsie will remember as she grows up. I can’t thank her enough for what she has taught Kelsie.

You are going to accomplish so much Kelsie! We love you!
Aw, I remember when my kids were that little. Enjoy her first real summer break!
Congrats to her. You must be so proud. It’s good she likes school
awww this is SOO cute and sweet.. my daughter will be starting 4k this year and I feel like she is way too grown up!!
Congrats to you and your baby! These years are awesome! I can’t wait to have them with my son. 🙂
awww— my girl started high school this year- so i get where you are coming from! Congrats, Kelsie!
She is going to LOVE 1st grade!! (And summer will go faster than you think!)
Aww…she is precious!! It’s amazing how fast our babies grow up! I have one starting preschool next year and I just don’t know where the time has gone!
I’m glad she got a good teacher. Cadence didn’t get blessed with the best unfortunately.