Holiday Card Mail Planner #Printable #GiftGuide

Holiday Mail Planner
Previously published on November 17th, 2014.

If you are like me, I like to keep track of Christmas cards as I write them. With this printable mail planner, you can check if you are sending cards, gifts, etc. to stay organized on your mail planning for Christmas. I also like to always either put a check mark or highlight a name after I receive a card in return from a person.

We now have a variety of our friends and family spread out across the United States so this comes in handy as well for planning out our Christmas shopping and making sure we watch the Holiday shipping deadlines to get packages and gifts there on time.

Holiday Mail PlannerJust click on the picture above for the full-size printable!

To help you get organized even more, don’t forget to print off our FREE Holiday Gift Planner to keep track of your gifts for everyone and more!

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  1. Smart thinking. I hate when I forget someone and their card to me shows up on Christmas Eve, which makes me remember (not that it’s ever happened to me before *cough*). -_- This would totally prevent that from happening.

  2. I really needed this – my mind is in a whirl with concerns about what to do for whom for the holiday season. There are people that I want to bless and then others I just need to gift or mail a card. Thank you so much!

  3. This really is handy. I can’t tell you how many times my mom has starred in space wondering if she sent out cards to relatives!

  4. I love great planners! And this one is nice and easy to track and plan with the family! Thanks for sharing!

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