Gifts, Get Togethers and Grins: Keeping Your Friendships Flourishing

Gifts, Get Togethers and Grins: Keeping Your Friendships Flourishing 1

Becoming a mother was the best thing that ever happened to you; loving a tiny human being has never felt so natural for you. Even when your baby won’t stop crying you can’t imagine your life before your little one arrived. As much as you adore your children, you often remember what types of things you would get up to before you came a parent. It is true that you had a better social life and saw a lot more of your closest friends. As people get older it is easy to let these friendships drift apart and you get busier with your family. Keeping your  close friendships alive after you become a parent can be a huge struggle which many of you face, but it doesn’t have to stay this way. It is time to start doing the things you used to love and striking a balance between your responsibilities at home and the important friends in your life. Many of your closest companions were responsible for moulding you into the person you have become, so stop neglecting them and try to get back on track with a few simple ideas.

The Perfect Presents

Exchanging gifts with your friends is something you have been doing since you were small. You would turn up at their birthday with a huge present and look forward to the excitement on their face as they opened up the packaging. Of course, you now have many important things that you need to spend your money on, but you should always remember to give a gift to your closests friends during special occasions. If you are ever stuck for inspiration, Hawaiian gift baskets are full of beautiful, authentic treats which are bound to put a smile on anybody’s face. Giving a gift is a true sign that you are reconnecting with a friend, even if you haven’t seen them in a long time. Make a note of all of the upcoming dates in your diary so that you can plan ahead and be prepared to treat them to something they are going to love.

Gifts, Get Togethers and Grins: Keeping Your Friendships Flourishing 2

Smile and Celebrate

As well as exchanging gifts you also need to make a conscious effort to organize celebrations for birthdays, engagements and anniversaries. Regular meetups are an integral part of keeping a friendship alive. For those all important celebrations make sure you reach out with a personal invitation so that your friend knows you truly want them to be there with you. Admittedly, you would often rather get into your pyjamas and get an early night than head out to somebody else’s party; everybody gets that feeling and it is completely normal. However, if you keep skipping out on the invites which are handed to you then it might look as though you aren’t interested in pursuing a friendship with them anymore. You don’t mean to hurt their feelings, but it can often come across this way. Make sure you try as hard as you can to attend all of the important milestones and celebrations that you friend invites you to. You would expect the same from them; this type of mutual respect is what will keep a friendship blossoming beautifully.

Playdate Planning

Perhaps you and your best friend both had children at the same time, so it has been extremely difficult to get together and catch up. If you both have little ones then this would be the perfect time to get them together for a play date. This type of situation not only allows you to catch up with your best friend, but it is also an exciting activity for your child. Introducing them to a new playmate is a fun experience for them and it could become a regular occurence. Spending time as one bit unit will bring your friendship closer together, especially if you children start-up a special bond too. These types of friendships are so important as you will be able to share each important milestone together as your little ones grow up.Gifts, Get Togethers and Grins: Keeping Your Friendships Flourishing 3

Adult Only Time

As important as it is to get your children together, everybody needs that time with only the grown up. Cracking open a bottle of bubbly and laughing over an friendly dinner is what many parents begin to crave after a while. You become used to constant baby talk and doing laundry every single day, so now is your time to take the night off. Get a babysitter, or ask your parents if they would mind taking over the evening duties for you. Allow yourself the chance to giggle with your closest friends and you will actually become a better parent from it. Refreshing yourself and letting your hair down will be the key to ongoing happiness and strong friendships.Gifts, Get Togethers and Grins: Keeping Your Friendships Flourishing 4

Constant Communication

If your friends live far away from you then these types of meetups could prove to be very tricky. It will often take a lot of forward planning to get these events in your diaries. Even if you can only meet up little and often it is so important to keep up good communication. Just a short and sweet text every morning or evening will let them know that you are thinking of them. Some parents struggle everyday to keep their spirits high when they are so busy looking after their children. A small outreach from a good friend could completely uplift your mood and your friend’s mood, as you both know you are always there for moral support.

You deserve to have your own life outside of your children’s lives. Yes, you adore being a parent but it is so important that you stay true to who you are. Don’t lose your sense of self love because you are too busy loving somebody else. Empower yourself and embrace the amazing life you have been given. Keep those friendships on track by sharing thoughtful gifts, reminiscing on old time and scheduling regular catch-ups. You will soon feel like you have part of your old life back and this will feel more satisfying than ever.

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