Fisher-Price First-Year Favorites Review and #Giveaway #FPBabyGear

Fisher-Price First-Year Favorites Review and #Giveaway #FPBabyGear 1

When you become a mother, you take on a whole new world of “home decor”-Baby items. With two newborns, I can tell you, things double. While you might not buy two of the same thing (except car seats of course) there’s swings, baby carriers, toys, sleepers, breast pumps, you name it, someone out there probably has it.

We all have our favorite baby items that help keep things running smoothly when it comes to babies and Fisher-Price wants to know about your First-Year Favorites. According to, a Mom’s Favorite First Year Items are:

  1. Swing
  2. Bouncer
  3. Sleeper
  4. Feeding Support Pillow
  5. Carrier
  6. High Chair
  7. Activity Gym
  8. Jumperoo
  9. Breast Pump
  10. Play Mat

While all my children are cuddlers, sometimes Mommy and Daddy have to get up and take care of things. Kelsie and Aubrey love playing with the boys and are incredible big sisters. No matter where the twins are, their sisters are always checking on them.

Right now, our boys have been falling in love with My Little Snugabunny Cradle ‘N Swing and the My Little Snugabunny Newborn Rock ‘N Play Sleeper from Fisher-Price just as much as I have.

The Newborn Rock ‘N Play Sleeper is very lightweight and easy to fold up and store when you need it out of the way. I love that it has a slight incline that almost “hugs” baby to keep them feeling cuddled. It only took a matter of minutes to get it set up and the boys enjoying.

Fisher-Price First-Year Favorites Review and #Giveaway #FPBabyGear 2

The Sleeper features a three-point restraint to keep baby secure and baby can easy sleep or play while hanging out.

Fisher-Price First-Year Favorites Review and #Giveaway #FPBabyGear 3

If for some reason the padding gets dirty (they’re babies, it happens!), you can easily take it off the frame and throw in the wash.

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My Little Snugabunny Cradle ‘N Swing is an absolute lifesaver as well that provides ample ways to let baby relax.

Fisher-Price First-Year Favorites Review and #Giveaway #FPBabyGear 5

Features of the Cradle ‘n Swing include:

  • A mirror in mobile allowing baby to recognize and look at self
  • Three different positions for swinging, including back to forth and side to side
  • Mobile with plush bird designs
  • Music and sounds with adjustable volume
  • Adjustable speed
  • Ability to run on four D batteries or plug-in to save batteries.
Fisher-Price First-Year Favorites Review and #Giveaway #FPBabyGear 6

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Fisher-Price First-Year Favorites Review and #Giveaway #FPBabyGear 8

Both boys love taking turns switching off in the swing and rocking to sleep or Lucas’ favorite thing, staring in the mirror 😉 It must be weird looking in a mirror with a brother that looks just like you, am I right?

We all have our favorites that help and you can have your own chance to enjoy some of our favorites as well!

One For The Love of Baby! reader will win YOUR choice of the My Little Snugabunny Cradle ‘n Swing or My Little Snugabunny Newborn Rock ‘n Play Sleeper!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Compensation was provided by Fisher-Price, but Fisher-Price is not a sponsor, administrator, or involved in any other way with this post. All opinions expressed in the post are my own and not those of Fisher-Price.

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  1. Right now Abby loves her swing right now! It helps so I can get things done and big brother and sisters can help out if needed 🙂

  2. I’d have to say the Jumperoo – both of my kids loved it and we’ve passed it back and forth between my cousins kids too. It’s gotten a lot of use!

  3. The swing was definitely a favorite with my first baby, and will probably be with #2 as well.

  4. My son liked watching the moblie on the cradle swing at his mommaws but the motor was tore up and wouldnt swing.

  5. My favorite of the top 10 is the Sleeper! You could use this for your baby wherever you are around the house as well as bringing it to grandmas or traveling!

  6. Wow, how can I choose just one? Hmmm, I love the swing! My brother and his wife are expecting their first baby and I would love to be able to give them a wonderful gift!

  7. The My Fisher Price Rock n’ Play Sleeper is a lifesaver!!! My daughter cannot sleep flat and this made it possible for her to sleep through the night, quietly!

  8. i love #6 the high chair- b/c its not bulky-you can sit it on your chair at home
    tcogbill at live dot com

  9. I have the Fisher Price My Little Lamb Swing – my son use to take long naps in that thing!

  10. I really think the breast pump would help me. So many great items on the top ten list!

  11. The jumperoo was my life saver! Both my kids loved it and it was the only place I could put them in for a few minutes without them screaming or demanding my immediate attention.

  12. Love the Fisher Price My Little Snugabunny Cradle N’ Swing! Its the only swing on our registry! After looking at the other top ten, I would definitely say a breast pump! I would enjoy the convenience of freezing and storing in advance.

  13. right now I LOVE my rock n play but I’d love a new swing since mine is not a cradle swing

  14. I love the rock and play sleeper, my sis in law has one and used it for 3 months with her (tiny) girls. Holds them at an incline too.
    lisae819 at yahoo dot com

  15. a bouncer was definitely the key to sleeping for my first child… we’ll see with the one on the way

  16. My favorite baby item was definitely my nursing pillow (Boppy). I used it every single time I nursed, for a full year!

  17. Unfortunately I haven’t tried any of their 10 ten favorites because my first child is not due till August. . But I would absolutely love to win The Little Snugabunny Cradle ‘n Swing for him! It looks very comfortable and cute!

  18. baby swing the only way a new mommy gets anything done
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  19. A breast pump was very helpful. Since I breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months, it was the only was I could take a break.

  20. I would say the breast pump because it let me sleep through the night and let my husband get up to feed.

  21. The Bouncer helps me alot with my baby. It allows me to do laundry, dishes, cleaning and cooking.

  22. The Jumperoo! My daughter loves it! She just umps and jumps and jumps! Its almost like she cant stop 🙂

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