Cuddle Up With My Pillow Pets! #giveaway

Cuddle Up With My Pillow Pets! #giveaway 1

When it comes to the end of the day, it’s time for everyone in the house to just wind down and relax. Aubrey and Kelsie will sprawl out to lay down and watch a show or will want cuddle time. With winter coming around, we’ll be taking LOTS of cuddle time.

Cuddle Up With My Pillow Pets! #giveaway 2

Cuddle Up With My Pillow Pets! #giveaway 3My Pillow Pets is making that cuddle time even better by turning your child’s favorite animal into a pillow! When I first checked out My Pillow Pets, I was AMAZED with the amount of choices available. Aubrey has a small little puppy she carries everywhere with her so when I saw the Pillow Pet, Snuggly Puppy, I knew it would be a big hit. She grabbed him as soon as she saw him and started cuddling up with him. His fabric “fur” was extremely soft, it reminds me of one of Aubrey’s favorite blankets she has had since she was a little baby. Snuggly Puppy won her seal of approval.

Pillow Pets are the size of a regular full size pillow and then can easily be pushed together to become a pet. I noticed that the velcro piece has a little flap of fabric for when it as open as a pillow, a great idea so it won’t loose it’s “grab” over time catching other fuzzies. After watching me open it up to a Pillow, Aubrey figured out how to do it on her own. The pillow springs straight out without having to fluff to get it right, it’s already there!

While I have not taken Aubrey’s Pillow Pet in the car yet, this will make a great take along for when we are in the road for long periods of time-especially with Christmas travels.

Care instructions are easy as well. Pillows Pets are machine washable but you do need to let them air dry. By putting your Pillow Pet in a white pillowcase and tying the ends, you protect the gentle fabric from being smashed down-so your Pillow Pet will stay cuddly and soft much longer! This is great to know as we have bought the girls just decorative character pillows before and knowing they’re dirty, we worry how to get them clean.

Since 2003, My Pillow Pets have been bringing smiles to faces of all ages. The concept for the snuggly companions was the brainchild of a San Diego-based mother of two, who had grown tired of picking up stuffed animals strewn about her children’s rooms. What began with the simple goal of transforming a traditional stuffed animal into a functional item for children has grown into an amazing jungle of popular products.

Although My Pillow Pets was initially a collection of just six different animals, our selections continues to multiply. My Pillow Pets is committed to manufacturing our products to superior standards, using only the highest quality materials and processes.

Cuddle Up With My Pillow Pets! #giveaway 4

With the holidays just around the corner, Pillow Pets would make a great present for children of any age. Any Pillow Pet is $19.95 and you can save 20% off up to 5 additional Pillow Pets, making it perfect to buy one for each child on your list.


One For The Love of Baby! winner will have the chance to win their very own Pillow Pet just in time for the holidays!!

Enter To Win

Head over to check out the Pillow Pets and tell me your favorite you’d like to give as a Christmas present and for who!

Additional Entries (leave a comment for each additional entry)

  • Like Pillow Pets on Facebook and leave a comment saying For The Love of Baby! sent you. One Additional Entry
  • Like For The Love of Baby on Facebook. One Additional Entry
  • Follow My Pillow Pets on Twitter. Leave me a comment with your Twitter Username. One Additional Entry
  • Follow MommyJenna on Twitter One Additional Entry
  • Tweet about this giveaway, letting others know of their chance to win. Leave a comment with link to your status update ONCE Daily Unlimited Entries!

Open to US Mailing Addresses. Contest will End November 10th, 2010 at 11:59 PM CST. Winner will be selected at random via plugin “And The Winner is.”. Winner will have 48 hours from the time chosen to claim prize.

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  1. I would love to have the hippo for my youngest daughter

    theresa _ heppner at yahoo dot com

  2. It’s a tie between the Snuggly Puppy and the Buzzy Bumble Bee, so either would be great for Sarah.
    lfhpueblo at msn dot com

  3. I Like Pillow Pets on Facebook and let them know for the Love of Baby! sent me. It went into their others filter.
    Lauralee Hensley

  4. my choice would be the Perky Penguin for my grandson,Jake who is just nuts about Penguins


  5. •Like Pillow Pets on Facebook an left a comment you sent me

  6. Like For The Love of Baby on Facebook

  7. Follow My Pillow Pets on Twitter @vickiecouturier

  8. Follow MommyJenna on Twitter @vickiecouturier

  9. The girl I babysit would love to have the snuggly puppy for christmas! Her sister has one and she has been asking for one! Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I would give this to my granddaughter and since her favorite is Ms. Lady Bug, that’s my favorite, too.

  11. I would love the ladybug for my daughter. She has been wanting one of these!

  12. My favorite is Hungry Hippo and I’d give it to the most adorable little boy I know!

  13. My son wants the puppy so bad – I would definitely give it to him for christmas!

  14. I would like to get the panda bear for my 2 year old Hayden. Her big sister has the lady bug and she just loves it!

  15. I am following My Pillow Pets on twitter as ptowngirl.
    smchester at gmail dot com

  16. I haven’t seen the dolphin before, but it is cute. It would be for my son.

    kgrant77 at

  17. I have the monkey. I love my Monkey. I have a slight pillow pets obsession and I only have one and Tanya Gordon from Mommy Goggles is buying them all and I want more for me. Yes, that’s selfish but I deserve a win here. I want pillow pets. Take pity, I just had an operation.

  18. my 1 y/o daughter has an obession with hippos no clue where she got it so the hungry hippo would be great

  19. I’d love to give the magical unicorn to one of my daycare girls. She keeps talking about it!

  20. I would like to get the puppy for my son.


  21. I would love either the Snuggly Puppy or the Silly Monkey for my son.

  22. My son would love to have the Snuggly Puppy Pillow Pet.


  23. I am following Pillow Pets via Twitter as jlsc123.


  24. I am a fan of Pillow Pets via Facebook as Jill Myrick and have left a comment that you sent me.


  25. I think that my daughter, Haley, would love to get Perky Penguin for Christmas. Every time she sees a commercial for the Pillow Pets on tv, she says she “needs one like that.”

  26. Perky penguin is my favorite. we went to the aquarium this year and my grandson fell in love with them.

  27. Like Pillow Pets on Facebook and leave a comment saying For The Love of Baby! sent me

  28. I would get the Perky Penguin, so adorable! I would give it to my niece because she is in love with these things.


  29. I’d choose the Hungry Hippo for my daughter. 🙂

    Thank you. tripsma at gmail dot com

  30. I liked My Pillow Pets on Facebook (Sarah Smile) and told them you sent me.

  31. I would like to give Ms. Lady Bug to my niece

    ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com

  32. I Like Pillow Pets on Facebook
    (Facebook name: Reggie Mann)
    and left the message on their wall

    ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com

  33. I checked out Pillow Pets and I would like to give Friendly Frog to my son for xmas!

  34. I would like to give the unicorn to my granddaughter for christmas.

    jen2231971 at hotmail dot com

  35. already following pillow pets on twitter

    jen2231971 at hotmail dot com

  36. like pillow pets on facebook already but mentioned I saw them on our blog

    jen2231971 at hotmail dot com

  37. following mommyjenna on twitter @seeksthetruth
    jen2231971 at homail dot com

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