Don’t Let Life Slip Away

As we become adults, parents, employees, we often get caught up in the daily routine of the “This Needs Done” and find the routine start to blur together. We get constantly wrapped up in worrying about that to do list or the deadline so our bosses approve.

Have you taken the chance to step back and think for a second? What’s important in your life?

Numerous times I have heard fellow parents make the statement, “They grow up so fast.” Now the question is, are you taking the time to enjoy it? Nothing will stop our children growing but what can you do to cherish each moment you have with them.

Are you showing your significant other that you really care about them? Tell them you appreciate them. Even if they do something small, we become too complacent.  We don’t think about the effort. We just let things fall into place.

Ask yourself. What are your priorities in life? Are you letting the best things you’ve ever had slip away? Or are you making the most of what you have. You are the one that controls your happiness. What do you need to do to make YOU happy?

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  1. Great post Jenna, I think this is something we all need to stop and think about.
    .-= Brandy´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday Spring =-.

  2. Seriously, I was just thinking this the other day. I think back to when I was told “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!” and that is the truth. How can we be positive and happy for our kids, family and friends if we aren’t happy ourselves? I was in a spread of sadness recently, but had no idea why. If you can’t get to the root of your life, then no one else can either. Great post!

  3. I love this. You really have me thinking right now about what order my priorities are in, and what I cherish most in life. Great post!
    .-= Mandi´s last blog ..Welcome To The Family! =-.

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