You can not be a blogger without checking out other bloggers-whether blog hopping or following an individual on Twitter, you become aware. You network to find bloggers with similar interests and to find out more about them. Overall, you find ways to relate or gain inspiration.
With that, For The Love of Baby wants to know, “Who, as a blogger, has had the most influence on you?”. Why has this blogger stood out as someone to you? Do you have a blogger that you started reading and then decided to kick yourself up a notch because of? Maybe it is someone that has always been willing to help.
We’d love to hear more about who you find to be an influential blogger. If you prefer to be “quiet” about who is your influential blogger, feel free to e-mail me at or Twitter DM me @MommyJenna. If you are fine sharing, leave me a comment! Tell me who it is, share some linky love, and let them know!
Based on the feedback we get, we’d love to spread the word on and share these bloggers with others!
There are so many, but if I had to pick one I’d go with Trisha at MomDot because she is not afraid to be herself, speak her mind, and brush off the negativity.
.-= Katie´s last blog ..Health Care Reform Bill – My opinion =-.
You. You influence me. You got me started on blogging, and for that, that’s my answer. 😉
.-= Cheryl´s last blog ..It’s Cerebral Palsy Awareness day! =-.
there is no blogger that influences me….i would say a community as a whole, the momdot community does, but there is no stand out. I believe and listen to everyone equally.
.-= trisha´s last blog ..Me at 5 =-.
I would say Renee @ cutie booty cakes , Krisa @little tech girl, Shelly@ momfiles and Jennifer James they are the ones that relate or gain inspiration the most from now.
I would say I like a combination of different bloggers. I take a little bit from here & there..Of course I am more of a lurker than anything else..I really enjoy your blog because I can relate!!!!
.-= Tatum V´s last blog ..Friday Follow: March 26 with ** CASH GIVEAWAY** =-.