I will never again support the Mary Greeley hospital again. I can tell you of one story that had a positive ending and that is it. Today I received the worst medical care in history.
Today, I asked Urgent Care to make an appt. to check my blood pressure. I had the feeling behind the eyes again, my head killed, metal taste in my mouth-it sucked. I was told to go to the ER. While I didn’t want to I decided I would go in, say my headache is not the issue and try to get them to focus on my blood pressure.
“Your blood pressure is fine” “Let’s get this headache treated.”
We made me take a pregnancy test. Negative. Hey, I could have told you that. I take my birth control religiously. I sat for three hours. I was moved to a different room because someone with “chest pain” was coming in. Hmmm, I thought I said I had a hot flushed feeling, could feel my heart racing, and my pulse in my ears.
After texting Tanya and talking to Steven, I had had enough. I was hurting even more and sitting in an ER alone? Yeah no. I asked them how much trouble I would be in if I just walked out. Both agreed, it was time to leave and go elsewhere.
I hit the nurse button and “Yeah, can I get discharge papers please? I’ve decided to go elsewhere for my care.”
Within 2 minutes, the doctor was in the room. “You need to listen to me, I have told you what your options are and you are bouncing from ER to ER for whatever reason, you need to stay here or it is going against medical advice.” Uhhhhh WHAT? I’m sorry, waiting three hours for you to in turn give me a Torodal shot I didn’t even want is not really gonna do much damage to me. My heart was racing HARD. It hurt.
A nurse came back in, shoving a clipboard in my face, “You need to sign this so your family can’t sue us”. Uhhh wait, no I’m not signing this because I have documented everything about how I was treated today. “Fine, it doesn’t matter anyway.” I left crying. I have never felt like trash so much more than today. I am in pain, I want to know what’s going on with my body without a million pain drugs pushed into my body and instead of a health care individual that cared, I get Dr. Harswick and Krista and Mary Greeley Medical Center. Yes, I told you I documented and you bet I’m keeping those names.
Mind you, I should know better than to go to Mary Greeley. This is the same doctor that when Steven had an open abscess for over a year and had excessive bleeding, told him he was fine and to go him until he had insurance. No. I am not joking. I immediately drove Steven to Nevada to the Story County Medical Center. He was immediately admitted for pain control and i.v. antibiotics. The doctors in Nevada told us we should sue Mary Greeley for what they did.
I went to Nevada, the headache went down but of course, is back up. And at discharge, the Blood Pressure was 130/101. “But it’s not a problem” Yeah. You have it that way for awhile with my body and then we’ll talk.
I have dealt with this pain and headache, the racing heart, the blood pressure spiking for a month now. This isn’t normal and it’s not “stress” making the blood pressure go up. These headaches are not the same if you would actually LISTEN to your patient.
So I am home, again with the pain back and not much to do. The next time I will be a patient at Mary Greeley, well-you might as well put me in a Hurst.
This Monday morning a friend that works within a gym facility met my lovely ER doctor. Little did he know she was friends with me as he was overheard saying to someone “At least your patients can’t talk back”
Well, I AM A PATIENT WHO CAN TALK BACK. And I am not okay with how individuals have been treated by you, I am not the only one with complaints, I’m just the first to finally speak up.
Omg!! That saddens me that they have been treating you (or lack thereof) this way for SO long!
.-= tanya@mommygoggles´s last blog ..Shrek Forever After Nintendo DS Game =-.
So sorry about the way you were treated! That totally sucks.
.-= Crystal @ Simply Being Mommy´s last blog ..Tandoor Chef Naan Pizza Review =-.
There is a Mayo Clinic somewhere in Arizona. The back pain and the increased blood pressure could be a sign that there is impairment of spinal fluid which circulates around the brain and up and down the spinal cord.
Maybe you have an cavernous hemangioma on the spine. Have they checked you for an A-V malformation on the spine or in the head? Even though the top (heart at work) number on your blood pressure isn’t high, the lower bottom number (heart at rest number to me is high). When you substract the bottom number of the blood pressure from the top number of the blood pressure it is best if there is closer to 40 points between the two numbers. When the numbers are less than 20 points apart that is a very good indication of increased intracranial pressure. There has to be neurological reason for increased intracranial pressure. Granted right now according to the B/P you have listed you have 29 points between the top and bottom number they are starting to narrow in a little bit. It’s called a narrowing pulse pressure, and is in reference to your blood pressure. If I were you I’d get a blood pressure set-up learn to use it and take my blood pressures while lying, sitting, and standing over the course of numerous days, and at numerous times of the day. Just make sure you’re lying down for at least 15 minutes before taking the B/P, then right after you sit up take it again, and then right after you stand up take it again, and then lie back down and this time take it right after you lie down. Keep a log of these pressures. If there are great differences between the blood pressures when you are in different positions then that’s also an indication of neurological problems.
I do hear you though trying to get Doctor’s to believe you. I told my husband we’ll probably never know what’s wrong with me until I’m dead, that’s if the coroner determines I need an autopsy, because I don’t want my husband having to spend any money getting one done on me.
I’m so done with the Doc’s (Military Doc’s). Today trying to walk was a bummer. My feet actually were feeling like they were on fire and I was having spasms inside my shoes of my large toes. I know there is something neurological going on with me too. I wish I had the money so I could go to the Mayo clinic and have decent Doctor’s check me out.
Oh Jenna I’m sorry you’re having to deal with all this and I can’t believe they treated you like that 🙁
.-= brandy´s last blog ..Little Tykes Adjust & Jam Basketball Set =-.
so sorry you were treated badly.
.-= sarah´s last blog ..1400 Year Old Tree =-.
that sucks, sounds like they are as bad as our local hospital!
.-= eve´s last blog ..Got Questions about Commenting Methods? =-.
Whatever is wrong with you going to a place that stresses you out this much won’t help.
I had to change docs, since she was the only person that got a high blood pressure reading off me…no nurses, not my other doc or even those automated readers at CVS. She even started talking about meds at one point… um…no! B*tch must have been looking for a Crestor kickback or something.
.-= Robin´s last blog ..Free Social Bookmarks Automatic Drip Feeder =-.
Jenna & Lauralee…
I am with you! I have been dealing with docs like this for 9 years. THAT BP is NOT normal! OMG…even my kids in GRADE school have been taught this! Makes me so mad that medical “experts” can try to tell you nothing is wrong. What I find is that the get ALL p’d off because people are learning to look up medical info on the internet and READ the journals these people learned from. They have LOST the power of being the ALMIGHTY “healers” and their egos cant take it. I have been shoved under a rug for years with the same heart stuff, feeling like I am being held upside down with my head filling with blood…and some of the things you both speak of. I have heard SO many catastrophe stories lately of supposed medical experts. Do you guys KNOW that 70% of the time a person goes in for a problem (the first time) they get it WRONG???!!! My DOG listens to my better than some of our docs we are “assigned” to. Sorry you are having your medical problems ignored. I told my husband and grown kids the same…they wont find the problem til I am gone and do an autopsy. Sounds chilling…but sadly, true.