October 15th is International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, a day of remembrance for pregnancy loss and infant death which includes miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, or the death of a newborn. The National Institute of Health estimates that of the 4 million births a year in the United States, there are 26,000 stillbirths; meaning one in every 160 births results in a stillborn. These statistics can change significantly with your help!
After learning that Norway had dramatically reduced its still birth rates by conducting a public health campaign on kick counting, five Des Moines-area moms, who each lost babies to late-term stillbirth or infant death, launched a statewide public health campaign in Iowa called Count The Kicks in 2009. The campaign was developed to prevent late-term birth complications and stillbirths and urges parents to contact their health care providers immediately if they notice significant changes in their babies’ movements. Scientific studies indicate kickcounting, a daily record of a baby’s movements (kicks, rolls, punches, jabs) during the third trimester, is an easy, free and reliable way to monitor a baby’s well-being in addition to regular prenatal visits.
To learn more about how you can prevent the loss of more lives, join the Count the Kicks movement and spread kick awareness!