Is there seriously anything to make writing out Christmas Cards “exciting”. You can only write the same message so many times. “The kids are….” “We’ve been busy….” “Hope you have a Great Holiday!” You all know what I mean. The fillers of the card.
I have my “new” address book I bought. Since I’m a married woman and all, I figured the “adult” thing to do would be start collecting addresses. HA! I’m finding random addresses and then going, “Ohh I better send _____ a card, even though I know I WONT get one from them!”
You write out the card, stick the address label to envelope, write out the address. Ok, those two aren’t married, do I put both names on or just one. What do I write for my Aunt and Uncle who now have my 21 AND 23 year old cousins living back at home? (You think I’m joking) What do I put for the several people I know who are in the process of divorces or contemplating divorce? GAHHHHH!
Now do you see why I’m banging my head as I write each envelope out?
I hear ya on the card thing….can’t forget the couples that are divorced and re-married to other people – does that add one more card and stamp to your pile? I finally gave up on the handwritten and went to photo cards (about $15 for 50 at costco). Made life a whole lot easier.
Great post!
AZ Mom of Many Hats
That’s why we just send a blank family photo card. lol
Something for you here..
Girl – I sooooo long ago gave up on Christmas cards. I am so pathetic I don’t even get thank you cards mailed that I actually did write. SERIOUSLY! I have one here all ready to go but didn’t mail from FOUR years ago. I am hopeless. I would blame it on blogging, but I am just too disorganized at the best of time. 🙂
i just send a photo card that says Seasons Greetings or something generic. And i never seem to get nearly as many cards as i send out…wth!
I emailed cards this year. Yes, that was mostly cheap and impersonal of me, but it was cute and no one seemed to mind. It also meant I didn’t cramp my hand up, or have to buy stamps, or go to the post office. I’m not adult enough for an address book anyway. 😉
It gets tougher as the years go on with the address book thingy. I'm at the stage now where I'm crossing off family names of those no longer with us.
My list has changed many times over the years with divorces & all.
The kids are grown & married ~ too old for photo cards unless we take a once in a lifetime family vacation together again.
I just say Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Many people don't even send snail mail cards anymore!
I’m sitting right here next to a stack of 100 christmas cards, addressed, stamped and I just can’t bring myself to write the customary “letter” to go with them.
I think the card thing SUCKS!